-5- Curb Trash

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A cold breeze clung to the air as Miles walked towards his car. He hopped into it sighing and trying to get the mean comments out of his mind. The school was very homophobic to say the least. That's why Miles couldn't be gay. Not here.

He drove steadily along the roads taking the long route back home to try air out his thoughts, driving alone was something that always helped with that. It was scenic and it was calming. This plan soon changed however as Miles drove down an unfamiliar street, he hadn't been down this one much but it looked kinda run down especially in comparison to his very rich, classy street.

As he turned the corner he noticed a familiar looking boy sat on the curb. Just as luck would have it... It was the very boy who was causing the turbulence in his brain, Benny Parker.

Slowing to a halt a few metres away from him Miles stopped the car. He sighed hopping out and striding over to Benny. The red head didn't even look up or see him approach. He had his head in his hands looking pitifully down at the road.

"You okay kid?" Miles asked sympathetically plopping down on the hard, concrete curb beside him, Benny looked up in surprise his beautiful brown eyes looking somewhat relieved when he realised it was Miles.

"Y-yeah, w-what you doing here?" He countered quietly messing with his hoodie sleeve self consciously.

"You looked... upset" Miles explained realising it might be kinda weird he'd just pulled over to speak to someone he barely even knew.

"O-oh" Benny replied shivering as the breeze picked up around them hugging his arms round his chest slightly to keep warm.

"So why you sat here? It's freezing" Miles commented gazing around at the disheveled looking houses that lined this particular street.

"D-dads got someone round. S-some w-woman. S-so I'm not- I'm not allowed in" Benny stuttered back.

"You not allowed home at all then, like until tomorrow?" Miles inquired raising his eyebrows. Benny's dad sounded like a jerk, the skinny boy just nodded his head in confirmation staring out into the distance.

"You could come round to mine?" Miles offered out of the blue surprising even himself "If- if you wanted that is?" He added sheepishly.

"T-thats n-nice of you b-but no. Y-you don't want s-someone like me hanging a-around with y-y-you" Benny answered calmly still shaking like a leaf in the cold air.

"Why not?" Miles asked quizzically making Benny look up at him in surprise gulping slightly. This is when Miles noticed a big, brown bruise forming on the boys cheek. It stood out like a sore thumb against his pale complexion.

"C-cause I-I'm g-gay. And also n-not cool. W-what if- if your f-friends found out" Benny told him stubbornly his voice quivering slightly.

Miles sighed, none of that bothered him. He'd much rather his friends didn't find out he was conversing with Benny, but that was because he didn't wanna be outed not because he thought Benny uncool or a faggot.

Instead of questioning this line of reasoning further Miles pointed his attention to the bruise standing out cruelly on Benny's face "What happened?" Miles asked gently.

"W-what do y-you mean?" Benny questioned his eyes clouded with confusion. He then followed Miles's gaze realising what he meant "o-oh n-nothing, must've j-just been t-those boys at school" he muttered hastily, gingerly touching the bruise looking self conscious.

"Sorry about them. I should've stepped in" Miles answered cursing himself for allowing it, a look of relief washed over Benny's face momentarily seeming out of place considering what they were discussing, but it disappeared quickly being replaced by an emotionless mask. Miles wasn't sure which he disliked more.

"I-it's fine, I-I'm not y-your responsibility. I-it's my own fault really" Benny responded timidly. Miles hummed in acknowledgment though not really agreeing.

"You know how you're, Gay and stuff" Miles started awkwardly, a question had been lingering in his mind ever since Benny had made the confession.

Sending back a nervous glance Benny nodded slowly his eyes widened slightly clearly expecting Miles to say something nasty or hurt him.

"Does your dad. Accept you. Do either of your parents accept you" Miles finished. Benny looked away instantly readjusting the glasses on his face distractedly.

"Woah look at that bird" Benny commented pointing to the sky, a common thrush was circling overhead calling out loudly in the clouds.

This was an extremely obvious conversation changer but Miles didn't refute it "Pretty cool bird yeah. See those around here a lot" he replied stonily.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come round to mine for a bit? it'll be warm there. My mom won't mind I promise" Miles questioned looking hopefully at the curly red head.

Benny sighed looking at his feet with uncertainty "O-ok, b-but if- if you want me to leave j-just say so. I- I wouldn't be- be offended" He answered half heartedly. Miles felt his heart leap for joy but he remained composed.

"Let's go then" he replied steadily as they both scrambled up from the cold, hard curb. Miles dusted himself off before hopping into the car. Benny slid into the passengers seat gently doing up his seat belt.

"I- I feel like a hitch-hitchhiker" he commented quietly making Miles laugh softly.

"I'm not kidnapping you don't worry. We aren't going to the woods to murder you just yet" he answered jokingly making a small smile flicker onto Benny's face. It was the sweetest thing ever when the redhead smiled. It sent a warm fuzzy feeling throughout Miles body every single time.

The rest of the drive back was silent, Miles noticed how observant Benny was, he was constantly looking out the window at the different parts of town they sped past. Whenever they stopped at a red light his head cocked around like a meerkats surveying the area with interest. It was kinda cute how much he seemed to appreciate it all really.

They finally reached Miles house, Miles skilfully reversed into the driveway parking perfectly next to his Moms car before grinding the engine to a halt.

"Y-your house is huge" Benny commented in awe as they got out the car, Miles nodded proudly. He had a nice house, he thought it was really pleasant so was glad Benny appreciated it.

"Let's go inside at get warm yeah?" Miles told him leading the way to the front door, he slid his key deftly into the lock turning it with a small click and opening the door.

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