-8- Twisted Plans

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Miles awoke with a yawn stretching slowly and sitting up, he gazed around the room noticing Benny's absence immediately. He sat fully up right legs hanging off the edge of the bed as leaned over it, the boys shoes, pants and glasses were gone too. He must've left.

Feeling disappointed Miles stood up. He stepped over to his wardrobe but stopped in his tracks noticing a crumpled up piece of paper lying on the bedside table next to where Benny had slept.

Picking up the paper Miles read it hastily, it read:

"Thank you for letting me stay over, sorry I went home without saying goodbye you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you for such a trivial thing. thank you again for letting me stay I appreciate it more than you know.
-Benny ≽^•⩊•^≼"

Miles couldn't help but smile at the note, it was really sweet. The little cat drawing next to Benny's name was also so adorable.

"I'm really falling for you Benny huh" Miles whispered to himself placing the note gently back where Benny had left it then beginning to get ready himself, however his mind was still full of Benny. The image of him lying curled up in the bed was engrained in Miles' mind.

He made continuous mistakes he was so distracted by it, he dropped the shampoo bottle in the shower, his toothpaste missed the toothbrush entirely, his cereal spilt out all over the table, his shirt was accidentally inside out so he had to change it.

A knock sounded on his bedroom door dragging him out of his thoughts, a second later it opened and Ross's goofy face appeared at it.

"You ever heard of knocking?" Miles asked with a smirk gesturing to his shirtless state. Ross rolled his eyes entering and shutting the door.

"You ever heard of a phone, I swear there's no point you having one. You didn't return a single text yesterday bro" Ross countered sassily making Miles put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Was busy" he told Ross dismissively tugging a shirt on then picking his schoolbag up "I also have better things to do on an evening than gossip about who's fucking who" he added with a smirk.

"I wish I knew who was fucking who!" Ross answered with a laugh.

The duo set off in Miles car arriving at the school just on time. As they entered the gates the bell rang loudly filling the hallways with a shrill cry.

Heading to his locker Miles passed Benny, he offered Benny a warm smile which made the redhead blush slightly but he returned it with one of his signature sweet smiles.

Miles heard a scoff behind him and recognised it as Jamey's voice "Miles, Bender Benny just grimaced at you or something" she informed him coldly glancing back at the curly haired boy who was walking hurriedly to class

"He definitely smiled at you I noticed it too" Ross joined in folding his arms suspiciously.

"Probably just being polite" Miles reassured them calmly, Benny could simply let out a breath near him and everyone would be up in arms about it at this rate.

"Or he's trying to get in your pants" Jamey countered looking Miles up and down in jealousy.

"Good thing I'm straight then" Miles replied hesitantly, he hated lying about himself. He knew he was definitely not straight especially after last night, but he couldn't exactly tell anyone unless he wanted to become a social misfit like Benny had become.

Theo then greeted them thumping Ross on the back roughly "What's up, you guys heard about Wheelers party he's throwing tonight?" he questioned looking excited.

"Of course we have, we're all coming. it's gonna be sick" Jamey replied for them, Ross exchanged a knowing glance with Miles. Neither of them had heard about it.

"Yeah" Miles agreed not wanting to seem out of the loop.

"It is, I can't wait to see if the plan actually works" Theo commented slyly before rushing after another jock who had just passed them.

"Just me or had neither of you heard of this party either?" Jamey muttered watching him go then turning to face Miles and Ross.

"I hadn't" Ross replied with an awkward laugh clearly flustered at Jamey's stare. Miles shook his head in confirmation as well.

"Welp, now we have" Jamey told them putting an arm round Miles waist. Miles didn't bother brushing her off this time not wanting to cause a fuss. The three of them walked steadily to their next class entering just as the late bell sprung into action.

They sat on the back row watching as more people filtered into the room laughing, joking and messing around. Miles smiled spotting Benny sat near the front. He stared into the boys back hoping he'd turn around but to no avail.

One of the jocks Jake then stormed into the room looking around, locking his eyes on Benny he hurriedly took a seat beside him. Miles felt his concern growing as Jake leaned in whispering something to the frightened looking Benny, Benny just shrugged in response as he was handed a small, white slip of paper by Jake. Jake then stood up sitting elsewhere leaving Benny by himself again.

"What was that was about?" Ross wondered having clearly noticed the interaction as well.

"Fuck knows" Miles replied absentmindedly scribbling down the date in his science book sheer boredom etched on his face.

Once the boring and unproductive science lesson had finished Miles went to his next classes, Benny wasn't in any of them but the boy was still of course on his mind. So much so the day flew by and before Miles knew it it was lunch time.

His group sat at their usual table chatting away "I told you miss Jones was fit" Tom commented pointing out a teacher stood in the doorway of the cafeteria.

"She is, I would totally smash her" Theo replied eagerly eyeing the young supply teacher up longingly, Miles cringed slightly but knew there was no way Theo would ever get the chance to fuck a teacher.

Jake then walked over slamming his bag onto the table and sitting beside Miles with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Here are the invites I made for the party" he informed them handing around white slips of paper. Miles scanned the piece of paper with not much interest, it just showed the date, time and place of the party tonight.

"Did you land him?" Theo questioned his eyes narrowing at Jake.

Nodding his head in confirmation Jake let out a snigger "I did, of course I did. Who could say no to me?"

"Perfect" Theo muttered back a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Land who?" Ross asked his mouth full of sandwich but clearly yearning to be involved in the conversation.

"Bender Benny" Jake answered making Miles head snap towards him.

"Why'd you invite him?" Miles questioned feeling a pit forming in his stomach, this spelt out trouble to him.

"It's gonna be legendary" Tom told them a grin spreading across his face as he produced a packet of tablets from his backpack flashing them hurriedly around to the table so they could all see before hastily placing them back in his bag.

"What are those for?" Ross asked naively, but Miles had already figured it out, he was looking around the cafeteria frantically searching for the redhead as chatter echoed around the big hall.

"We're gonna roofie him" Theo responded with a small, cruel snigger.  

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