-7- Staying Over

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"I'm not gonna punish you Benny" Miles reassured him softly taking Benny's small, scrawny hand in his own comfortingly.

"W-w-why not?" Benny squeaked out quietly, his facial expression was one of pure terror mixed with confusion. It hurt Miles to see the sweet boy like this.

"Why would I? It was only an accident, it's not like you purposely threw the water around" Miles told him convincingly not breaking eye contact gazing deeply into Benny's brown eyes.

Benny gulped looking at the floor guiltily "I-it was stupid" he answered harshly.

"Why would I punish you Benny?" Miles repeated his question in concern, he didn't understand why the curly redhead would think he'd do such a thing to him?

"A-at h-h-home if I mess up I-I face the- the consequences" Benny admitted timidly, their hands were still interlocked and Miles could feel Benny's hand quivering as he spoke about it.

"What kind of consequences?" Miles asked softly.

"D-doesn't r-really matter" Benny replied hastily ripping his hand from Miles's grip.

Miles sighed nodding his head. He wanted the shy boy to open up to him but also wanted him to take as long as he needed to do so. Whatever these punishments or consequences were was clearly a sore spot for Benny, Miles couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for the boy though.

"Go back into my room buddy, I'll go down and make sure everything's okay, that sound good?" Miles posed standing up looking down at Benny.

Benny nodded meekly clambering up too, they parted ways Benny heading into Miles room whilst Miles stomped down the stairs.

By the time he'd gotten down there his Mom had cleaned up the small spillage, she looked over at him smiling sweetly.

"He okay?" She questioned cocking her head slightly to the left as she posed the question.

"Yeah, he just feels bad he made a mess that's all" Miles lied not wanting to discuss the worrying admission Benny had told him.

"Tell him I'm not angry in the slightest at all, he livened up a quite boring meal that's for sure" Jennifer joked with a small chuckle.

Nodding gratefully Miles ruffled Tiff's hair up affectionately then turned to head back upstairs, however his mom grabbed his arm gently making him swivel back round.

A serious look was on her face now, one Miles rarely saw "I noticed a bruise on his face, it looked pretty nasty" she commented in a hushed tone obviously not wanting Tiffany or anyone else to hear "is he... okay?"

Miles felt his heart drop, he didn't know the reason for the bruise but he had a feeling it wasn't good news, but he had to protect Benny's secret. Whatever it was.

"Boys at school" Miles lied nodding his head "he gets bullied a bit" it wasn't entirely a lie, it just wasn't the truth either.

Jennifer's gaze softened as she nodded as well "Poor thing, I'm proud of you for looking out for him honey and being friends with him. Couldn't have raised you better if I tried" she said proudly.

Miles felt a wave of guilt rush through him, he'd never even noticed Benny properly before the other day. He'd watched him get beat up and probably egged it on. Never intervening not even earlier that morning.

Not responding Miles headed back up the stairs softly opening his room door. Benny was sat on the floor in the corner, his eyes glued to the carpet as he fidgeted with his hands. He wasn't crying now at least so that was good.

Before Miles could get a word in Benny looked up at him "I-I'm sorry Miles if I caused- caused a-any trouble" he muttered out looking ashamed.

"You didn't, my mom said it's all good" Miles answered plopping down on his bed shifting to face Benny.

Wanting to change the subject and distract the curly haired boy Miles posited a question "You can't go back home tonight, so wanna stay here?"

Benny looked taken aback for a second "I- I don't k-know" he answered timidly looking anxiously around the room.

"It'd be fun. Like a sleepover" Miles commented convincingly giving Benny a small smile. Benny returned it with a sweet one that made Miles heart almost leap put his chest.

"I- I guess yeah, t-thanks" Benny stuttered back gratefully "c-can I have a blanket and c-cushion then?"

Miles screwed his face up in confusion "Yeah of course, but. Where are you planning on sleeping?" He asked curiously.

"J-just on the f-floor. I-in here o-or if you'd r-rather I went d-downstairs c-c-can do that" Benny answered with a small nod of his head.

"On the floor?" Miles exclaimed louder than he intended making the small boy jump slightly.

"Y-y-yeah, like at home" Benny explained quietly seemingly not understanding that was odd.

"You sleep on the floor at home? Do you not have a bed?" Miles questioned feeling anger rising in his chest.

"I- I- I do I'm just, not a-allowed to use it o-often" he informed Miles with a shrug.

"Your dads an arsehole man" Miles told him sympathetically, Benny nodded in agreement looking slightly downcast.

"We can share my bed" Miles abruptly blurted out, he then blushed bright red realising what he'd said as Benny's eyes widened "if you're you know, comfortable doing that" he added in a mumble.

"I-I'm gay Miles" Benny reminded him quietly.

Miles shrugged "Doesn't bother me Benny, you deserve a nice place to sleep buddy" Miles challenged confidently.

Benny reluctantly agreed but Miles could sense he was nervous. "Want me to grab you a t-shirt and some sweatpants to wear as pyjamas? I don't have any actual pyjamas but those will do" Miles offered.

Shaking his head hesitantly Benny replied "I- I can sleep in my hoodie a-and boxers its f-fine"

"Sure, do you want me to wear anything or am I okay to be in my boxers?" Miles asked wanting to make sure Benny felt as comfortable as possible.

"W-wear w-w-what you want, I- I don't mind, I-it's your bed" Benny answered his cheeks tinged red like a beetroot.

As Miles stripped down he couldn't help but feel Benny's gaze lingering on him, he glanced quickly and saw Benny was definitely watching him whilst sat on one side of his bed. Miles took his pants off quickly discarding them on the floor then crawling into the bed. Benny's pants and glasses were already on the bedside table but his warm hoodie remained clung to his skinny frame.

"Goodnight Benny" Miles whispered softly, though the room was dark he could dimly make out a smile forming in Benny's little face.

"Night Miles, t-t-thank you" he whispered back before shutting his eyes. Miles watched him as he drifted off to sleep, he felt kinda creepy watching the red head sleep but he couldn't help it.

His eyes travelled under the duvet looking at Benny's bare legs and red boxers. He couldn't help but feel attracted to Benny, he was falling for the boy quicker than he cared to admit, practically free falling. Benny looked so cute all snuggled up in his hoodie his eyes squeezed tightly shut. He looked so peaceful. The only thing wrong was the brown bruise that stood out on Benny's sweet innocent face.

It was so out of place. Miles couldn't understand why anyone would hurt such a kind, perfect boy. Or why his dad would make him sleep on the floor and kick him out on some nights. It made no sense to him at all.

"I-i think I love you Benny" Miles whispered out looking in the sleeping boys direction. He then shut his eyes slowly slipping into a peaceful slumber.

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