-9- Party Tricks

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Miles sat on the edge of his bed his leg bouncing up and down anxiously. He hadn't been able to find Benny all day, he wasn't accepting Miles' request to chat on Instagram either. The party was literally in an hours time. An hour before the jocks roofied him and did god knows what to the poor, innocent boy.

Feeling sick to his stomach Miles refreshed his Instagram again, still nothing. No indication his request had even been viewed let alone accepted.

"Please Benny come on" Miles muttered to himself running his hand through his short, brown hair in frustration. He glanced out the window nervously, the night was dark, cloudy, foggy and cold. If they did something to Benny tonight he might not be able to get home. The boys had mentioned Jake was giving him a lift.

Benny had trusted their every word. He was too naive and innocent not too. Miles clutched the note Benny had written him in his hands screwing it up slightly as he gripped it. He was feeling so protective over the redhead, he knew he had to stop them somehow. Even if it meant sacrificing his reputation. He couldn't let them hurt Benny again.


Miles arrived at Jake Wheelers house. Music was already blaring from inside and screaming could be heard from within. Miles pushed the door open and was met with a chorus of yelling.

Jamey strided over to him as he walked through the kitchen grabbing his hand roughly "Wanna dance pretty boy?" She slurred out clearly drunk off her mind.

"No thanks" Miles answered firmly ripping his hand out of her grasp, she looked extremely offended holding a hand to her chest.

"Am I not pretty enough for you Miles? is that it?" She cried out tears welling up in her unsteady, drunk gaze.

"That's not why Jamey, I'm just not interested" Miles replied urgently, he needed to find Benny. He couldn't see Theo, Jake, Tom or Benny anywhere. Surely he wasn't already too late.

Miles rushed round the house searching all the rooms for Benny frantically. After not finding him anywhere Miles headed out the back door onto the porch, relief washed through his body as he spotted the skinny frame of Benny sat on a deck chair with 2 other boys, Theo and Tom.

Approaching them quietly Miles caught part of the conversation they were having "I- i- i- i don't really want any vodka, t-thanks though b-but its not really m-my thing" Benny was telling them sheepishly looking uncomfortable.

"How do you know it's not your thing if you've not tried it?" Tom pressured forcing a plastic cup filled with the clear substance into Bennys hand.

"I- i really don't want to" Benny stuttered back anxiously looking between the boys.

"Don't be a wimp Ben, just have a few sips, then if you really don't like it you can stop" Theo urged him his voice sounding sweeter and more balanced than it normally did clearly trying to lull the shy Benny into a false sense of security so he'd drink the vodka. They must've already drugged it.

Benny sighed beginning to raise the cup to his lips, Miles jumped into action calling over "Hey guys, was wondering where you'd got to!"

Jumping slightly Benny lowered the cup glancing at Miles fear evident in his eyes. Miles sat beside him giving him a reassuring glance.

Theo looked irritated but replied in a friendly manner "Hey bro, we're trying to get bend- Benny here to try vodka for the first time, he's trying to chicken out though"

"I- I'm not a chicken" Benny countered quietly looking embarrassed then glancing at the cup in his hands unwillingly.

"Prove it, drink up" Tom responded raising his eyebrows and eyeing Benny up coldly.

Benny sighed beginning to raise the cup again, Miles kicked him sharply making Benny yelp out in pain looking down at his leg.

"D-did some-someone kick me?" He asked timidly glancing around at the boys around him.

"Don't try change the subject here Benny, are you a chicken or are you not?" Tom reinforced clearly getting impatient with the redheads reluctance.

"I-i'm not" Benny squeaked back meekly his eyes landing back on the cup of vodka.

"Drink up then" Tom said gesturing to the cup. Miles knew he needed to get them away from Benny and fast.

Thinking quickly he whipped his phone out from his pocket pretending to receive a message, he then let out a fake, overexaggerated gasp and exclaimed "Oh my god theres a fight upstairs, in Jakes parents room!"

Theo and Tom exchanged an excited glance "Wait here Benny" Theo ordered as the pair rushed back into the house eager to see the fight.

As soon as they'd left Miles spoke "Benny we have to go" he urged taking the cup from Benny's hand and throwing it as far as he could into the garden, it landed with a hollow thud on the grass as Benny watched on in confusion.

"W-why? T-they w-w-wanna be friends with me" He whispered defensively staying put.

"I'm sorry Benny, I'm so sorry. They were gonna drug you. I've been trying to find you all day to warn you but I couldn't" Miles explained guiltily glancing at the door fearing the boys would come back any minute.

"What?!" Benny cried his chocolate brown eyes widening "D-d-drug me? what? d-drug me" he mumbled beginning to hyperventilate at the new information.

Miles hurriedly led him out of the back yard through a side gate "Get in, quickly!" Miles hissed opening his passenger car door, Benny leapt in fear clear on his innocent face as Miles rushed round the other side hopping into the car then speeding out of the drive.

"They- they were g-g-gonna drug me?" Benny choked out again his words barely even audible as he tried to calm his breathing down.

"Yeah, their fucking twats" Miles replied angrily "did Jake pick you up at your house?"

"N-no, h-h-he took me straight f-from school" Benny admitted shyly, he looked ashamed that he'd been tricked like this.

"I'll take you home then, It's okay mate you're safe now" Miles reassured him confidently. Benny directed him through side streets until he reached a shabby looking bungalow on a dirty looking street. A rat scuttled by crawling into a nearby hedge making Miles shudder slightly.

"Gimme your phone" He requested holding his hand out, Benny obediently handed it to him offering no resistance then opening the car door to leave.

"Where you going?" Miles called after him in confusion.

"H-home?" Benny replied looking back timidly, Miles jotted his own number into Bennys contacts then looked up at him.

"You were gonna leave without your phone?" he queried eyebrows furrowed.

"I- i thought you were- you were taking it a-as payment" Benny stuttered back shrugging his shoulders, Miles slid the phone back over to him shaking his head.

"No way Benny, i'd never do that. I was just putting my number in" Miles reassured him sending him a comforting smile.

"T-thanks Miles, r-really thank you. I-Im sorry i- i hadn't looked at my Instagram and- and s-seen your messages" Benny told him guiltily.

"That's alright buddy, see you at school tomorrow yeah?" Miles answered kindly. Benny nodded sweetly shutting the car door and walking slowly up to his house, he entered quickly as Miles watched ensuring he got in safely.

Sighing Miles put his head on the steering wheel. He was praying the jocks didn't realise what he'd done and how he'd disrupted their little scheme, but Benny was safe. That was all that mattered.

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