-26- Petals Of Apology

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Jumping out of the car Miles stormed up to his room not bothering to say hello to his Mom like he normally would. He slammed his room door shut running his hands through his short brown hair in despair. He let the tears flow sobbing as he sat down on his bed.

Tears streamed down his face showing no sign of stopping as he breathed heavily. This was all his fault. He should never have played that stupid game with Kai, he should have pushed him off, shouldn't have let Kai overpower him, he'd fucked up royally and maybe just lost Benny forever.

His door quietly opened and a small gasp came from it, he looked up tears still blurring his vision. He could make out the shape of his Mom stood in the doorway, she hurried over sitting down softly beside him then putting her arm around him gently.

"Miles sweetie, what's the matter? Talk to me" she whispered soothingly, rubbing his back comfortingly.

A sob escaped Miles throat as he began to cry again, he leaned into his Moms chest as she put both her arms round him hugging him tight like he was a young child again.

"I- I fucked up" he choked out trying to blink away the tears that were escaping his sapphire blue eyes, usually his Mom would scold him for the bad language, but right now she didn't.

"How honey, I'm sure it's okay" she whispered still hugging him tightly to her chest. Miles could feel her warmth and felt safe. Felt comforted knowing his Mom was there for him.

"Another boy kissed me, I didn't want him to but he did, and Benny saw. He ran away crying. I don't know where he is or what to do, he's never gonna forgive me. I shouldn't have let it happen I always screw everything up" Miles cried out stumbling over his words as he talked fast.

"Shhhh, you don't. You are one of the kindest, most genuine people I know Miles darling, my perfect Angel. I wouldn't change a thing about you" She assured him gently.

"Benny thinks I cheated on him" Miles stated stonily.

"When I was first dating your dad, I had this best friend. Jessica. She had a massive crush on your dad too and was so jealous I was with him. So she told me he'd cheated on me with one of the cheerleaders" Jennifer explained calmly.

"Bitch" Miles whispered out making Jennifer chuckle before continuing.

"Oh yeah, a huge one. She told me that. And I believed her because at the time she was my best friend. So your dad bought me an absolutely huge bouquet of flowers and came to the house. I opened the door and there he was. Drenched in rain, massive bouquet. Looking absolutely devastated. We talked and he explained the situation" She told him "if Benny really loves you, he'll listen to you, and he'll trust you, I'm not saying if you do that it'll work. But there's no point sitting up here feeling helpless. Try make it right Miles my darling"

Miles nodded and looked up at her, she wiped the tears from his eyes sympathetically. "Thank you Mom, I'll do that now" Miles said standing up heading out of the door.

"Good luck sweetie" she called after him proudly. Miles smiled a small smile back at her as he descended the stairs.

He drove to the store buying a beautiful bouquet of the purest blue flowers he could. They costed a lot but Miles didn't care. He'd pay anything for Benny to love him. Anything.

Remembering the way to Benny's house Miles drove there steadily. He was nervous what Benny's dad would do if he just showed up there with a bunch of flowers but he had to take that risk, Benny wasn't safe with that man.

Pulling up outside the house he parked haphazardly on the street. Benny's dads car wasn't in the driveway which was a good sign. Jogging up to the door Miles knocked on it hastily. He waited but there was no reply, fearing Benny might be wondering around on the streets somewhere Miles tried the door. It was unlocked. Benny must've at least been here then.

Entering the house cautiously Miles called out "Benny? You in here? I'm sorry" he paced around the bottom floor of the house being unable to find the redhead anywhere, he then ascended the stairs going from room to room upstairs but still not being able to find Benny.

Whipping his phone out and still clutching the bouquet of beautiful blue flowers Miles rang Benny's number, he held the phone up to his ear in anticipation hands shaking slightly as the dial tone rang. Suddenly a loud ringing came from one of the doorways. Miles swivelled around seeing a smaller door he hadn't noticed before.

Light was streaming out slightly from under it, the ringing was definitely coming from in there. This must be the bathroom. Knocking roughly on the door Miles raised his voice slightly keeping his tone gentle "Benny babe? Are you in there? I can explain everything, please"

No reply came, the sound of his phone ringing came to a halt as Miles phone stopped calling. "Benny? I really want to talk to you please" Miles pleaded. Still no response. He slowly turned the door handle knocking on it again. The door was unlocked.

"I'm coming in Benny okay? I only want to talk, I'm not here to hurt you I promise. I need to explain" Miles told him his voice still level but tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He pushed the door slowly open but it stopped halfway hitting something with a small thud.

Looking at the floor he spotted a small bottle discarded there, leaning down to pick it up he then dropped the bouquet of flowers in horror, they hit the ground scattering blue petals around as Miles stared down.

Benny lay motionless on the dirty tiles, he was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt meaning his arms were fully exposed. Fresh, deep, gory cuts lined them a pool of blood beginning to form beneath the small boy. The bottle the door had collided with was a bottle of sleeping pills. A few of the white pellets were even scattered on the floor around Benny's palm.

"BENNY" Miles yelled tears clouding his vision as he crouched down shaking the boy aggressively. Benny didn't respond nor even twitch. He was out cold. Feeling for a pulse Miles couldn't detect one, his breathing hitched as he quickly dialled 911.

The phone rang a couple times before being picked up.

"911 what's your emergency?" A calm female voice asked from the other end of the line.

"My boyfriend- he- he's on the floor, theres blood and sleeping pills.. he's- he's dead" Miles stuttered out trying to keep calm. He stared down at the motionless, skinny frame of Benny lying on the cold, tiled bathroom floor blood surrounding him. A wave of guilt flooded Miles as he put the phone down. He numbly looked into Benny's eyes that were squeezed tightly shut still wet from where he'd clearly been crying.

"I'm sorry Benny. I'm so, so fucking sorry" 

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