-12- Love Is A Game

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The boys huddled in the sweaty locker room, they all had their kits on and were ready to play, but first Theo had gathered them to speak, Miles put an arm round Ross's shoulder leaning into the huddle to listen.

"Ok lads, this is it. This is the game we've been waiting for all season. I want everyone's best out there. Nothing less. If we lose to Summerville we'll never live it down, it'll be a permanent black spot on us. We have to win, failure isn't an option" Theo ordered sternly looking around at each boy staring into their eyes individually.

Everyone nodded in agreement heads bobbing up and down in unison. "Good. Let's go out there and show them what we're made of" Theo shouted leading the way out of the locker room then onto the pitch.

This was the biggest match of the school season, everyone was here, students, staff, parents. Everyone. Miles was secretly hoping he'd spy Benny sat somewhere in the crowd but as he gazed around the faces Theo nudged him aggressively.

"Head in the game Miles" he hissed scowling at Miles, sighing Miles focused up. He strolled across the grassy pitch to his position. He was a striker. It was where he was good, he always knew what the best play was, when to aim for goal, when to pass to another striker, or even when to back off and play it safe. Miles was the most skilful striker on the team for sure.

The high pitched whistle sounded and the crowd cheered loudly, the game was now in play.

Bouncing along the pitch speedily the ball made it's way into the Summerville side of the pitch being shepherded by Tom, however one of the Summerville boys was gaining on him at an alarming rate. Glancing behind him Tom attempted to pass but was tackled. The ball bounced backwards being dribbled by one of the Summerville players now.

Miles sighed in despair as the defenders strayed the wrong direction, it was just as Theo had predicted in practice earlier that week. An open door. The player readied himself then struck sending the ball careening towards the goalpost, their goalkeeper Kai jumped into action catching it deftly.

The crowd went berserk cheering or hissing at the save. Using the moment of distraction Kai hurled the ball to Jake, Jake took it and ran with it making it half way up the pitch before anyone had a chance to stop him, he then kicked it diagonally away from the players advancing on him and into the feet of Tom.

Tom flicked it behind him beginning to advance towards the goal. Two Summerville players loomed either side of him causing him to kick the ball aggressively forwards.

Miles skidded across the pitch stopping the ball in its tracks then kicking it to the left slightly. This was his chance, the goalie was observing his every move like a hawk. Ready for the attempt on goal.

Giving it all the strength he could muster Miles kicked the ball at an upwards trajectory, it sailed through the air successfully landing in the net. A roar swept through the small stadium as people jumped and cheered.

Miles high fived Theo who was next to him then Tom, Ross sent him a thumbs up from the middle of the pitch which he returned with a small nod of appreciation.

The rest of the first half went well for them, Theo managed to score once putting them up 2-0 by the time the whistle blew. Feeling confident Miles headed back to the locker room to grab a drink, he felt slightly dizzy from all the running around so wanted to hydrate.

He sipped on his water letting out a sigh. The first half had gone so well, the second half would hopefully go just as well. The only changes being made were Ross and another boy being switched off due to their poor defence.

Suddenly the locker room door swung open, Jamey smiled cheekily at Miles skipping over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You played perfectly, my eyes never left you" Jamey told him running her hands up and down his hips seductively.

"Thanks" Miles replied shortly not looking at her, he felt like he was gonna be sick at her touch, it made him shudder "this is the boys locker room you know?" He added stonily.

Jamey shrugged nonchalantly "I was thinking" she continued leaning in "after the match, we should go on a date. I know a place"

"Jamey I-" Miles started but she interrupted him.

"It's a good place I promise, I'm a regular there. I've always wanted to take you there" She admitted bashfully sweeping her long, bleach blonde hair out of her eyes staring up at Miles completely smitten with him.

Hesitating Miles took a step back, confusion clouded her gaze as she but her lip in anticipation.

"I'm sorry Jamey, you're really nice. I'm just- I'm just not interested" Miles whispered not daring to look at her.

"What?" She exclaimed loudly, stomping her foot on the ground angrily.

"I'm sorry Jamey I-"

"No! What do you mean you're not interested? You literally fucked me you piece of shit. You dragged me out of class specifically to hook up with me, and now you're telling me it meant nothing?" She screamed at him tears welling up in her amber eyes.

"Jamey it's not that I just-" Miles tried to intervene but she didn't allow it.

"It's just you used me. You used me Miles, I bet you're a fucking faggot aren't you, only trying to seem into me to protect yourself" she whispered harshly.

"No Jamey that's not it all" Miles insisted panic rising in his chest, she couldn't find out. No one could know.

"Then what is it? WHAT IS IT MILES" She screeched at him her shrill voice echoing off the walls of the locker room.

"I think you're great Jamey, I'm just- yes, I'm- gay..." Miles admitted in defeat, everything felt like it was falling apart, however Jameys reaction wasn't what he was expecting. She just stared at him expressionless waiting for him to speak again.

"I- I really didn't want to be, that's why I hooked up with you, you were into me and I thought I could get myself to stop being gay and be into you. I'm sorry Jamey. I never meant to hurt you" Miles told her softly.

"You could've told me" Jamey choked out folding her arms and looking upset.

"No I couldn't" Miles countered sadly "you said it yourself, faggot. And that kid Benny. You all bully him for being gay"

"I don't, I just do it to fit in Miles. My uncles gay" She tried to tell him but Miles shook his head, it was his turn to be angry now.

"How would he feel about what you're doing them, your uncle. How would he feel knowing how you treat Benny, and the word you called me. Would he be proud Jamey?" Miles asked raising his eyebrows.

Jamey opened her mouth to speak but Miles was quicker "Being a sheep isn't an excuse Jamey. Following the crowd isn't justification at all. You're just as bad as them" Miles told her slamming his water bottle back on the bench then heading to the door.

"Miles" Jamey whispered. Miles stood in the doorway of the locker room swivelling round to face her. "I won't tell anyone"

"Thank you" Miles replied quietly giving her a small, grateful smile, then leaving her alone in the locker room.

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