-10- Meaningless Kiss

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It had been a few days since the party. The other boys didn't realise it was Miles who took Benny home and instead assumed he'd done a runner because he was scared of drinking. Miles was relieved they hadn't figured him out for it but was also extremely worried for Benny.

The boy hadn't been to school since the day before the party, nor had he returned any texts or calls put to him by Miles. They remained just delivered silently awaiting Benny to open them for a week but to no avail.

Friday was the day today, which meant the big match against Summerville high tomorrow. So it was all hands on deck practice wise. The whole team had been pulled from their classes for the day so they had the full school day to practice.

Miles didn't mind this too much, he enjoyed soccer a lot plus got to chill with Ross which was a bonus, but as usual he was struggling to get Benny out of his head. He needed to do something about it otherwise he'd play poorly and disappoint everyone. Including Benny.

"Right you can have a 20 minute break, go do what you want but be back on this pitch after 20 minutes, not even a second over understand me boys?" The coach boomed eyeing up all the boys firmly.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and the class dispersed. Feeling a pit growing in his stomach Miles knew what he had to do, rushing down the school corridors he peaked between classrooms intently looking for a mess of bleach blonde hair.

Eventually he found her, he stood by the door getting her attention through the little slit of glass in the door. Smiling Jamey raised her hand. Miles couldn't hear the exchange she had with the teacher but he assumed it was her asking to go to the toilet or something.

Jamey slipped out the door hooking her arm around him instantly "So what's the occasion?" she pondered with a sly smile batting her eyelashes at him.

Miles gulped then responded "This" he connected his lips to Jameys pushing her against the lockers, she kissed back passionately grabbing the back of his head roughly. They broke apart gasping for breath and staring into each-others eyes.

"I've been waiting for you to do that for a while" She confessed a smirk crossing her lips, Miles wiped the lipstick off his own lips looking at the floor guiltily.

"Yeah well, I thought it was about time" Miles mumbled back, every bone in his body was telling him to stop. He wasn't into her in any way whatsoever. It wasn't fair on either of them him leading her on like this, but he had no choice. He couldn't be gay. Not here not ever. His Dad would kill him for it and everyone hate him.

Trying to get the curly redhead out of his brain he leaned in kissing Jamey again, she giggled playfully allowing him to shove her hard against the locker grinding their bodies against each-other seductively.

She grabbed his waist beginning to unbutton his shirt but Miles pulled back looking around nervously.

"Not here" he whispered grabbing her wrist and leading the way down the corridor, still giggling in excitement she followed him down the bright corridor. They entered a small janitors closets slipping in quietly then closing the door softly locking it tight.

"So, where were we?" Jamey asked running her hand down his body, Miles felt himself shudder but knew he had to do it, he had to hook up with her no matter what. He needed to get Benny out of his mind.

"We were here" Miles replied confidently unbuttoning his jeans and hastily pulling them to his ankles. He stepped out of them as Jamey watched eyeing him up blushing.

"Shirt too Miles, don't be shy now" She whispered kissing his neck roughly, Miles forced a moan trying to enjoy himself as much as he could despite wanting nothing more than to be doing this with Benny, not Jamey.

"Of course" Miles answered unbuttoning the two buttons on his soccer jersey pulling it over his head now leaning against the door in just his light gray boxers.

"You're so hot" Jamey breathed out playfully, clutching the waistband of his boxers tugging down slightly. Miles gulped closing his eyes as he felt the fabric of his boxers slip down. Was he really gonna do this?


"You're late Miles! Where the fuck were you?" Theo snapped harshly running over to him and punching his shoulder roughly. Miles recoiled looking away shamefully.

"Lost track of time Theo, sorry" He answered sheepishly, however Theo then noticed the smudged lipstick on his neck and face, he connected the dots quicker than Miles would've liked.

"You were fucking Jamey weren't you?" He gasped out a grin forming on his face "GUYS they finally fucked!" he yelled at the other boys who were practicing their passes.

Cringy cheers immediately erupted from a couple of them as Miles walked over with Theo. "You actually fucked her? like in school?" Jake asked in bewilderment.

"It was nothing serious" Miles mumbled in embarrassment trying to wipe the barbie pink lipstick off his neck in annoyance.

"Bro you could've at least told me first!" Ross exclaimed patting him on the back proudly. Miles hated the attention he was getting from this. "Are you two together now then?" Ross queried looking semi disappointed.

"Nah, just a hook up" Miles commented bitterly beginning to kick one of the soccer balls around some cones lazily.

"Well I need details later alright?" Ross informed him letting out a small chuckle of amusement.

"You're not getting any Ross. It was just a one time thing" Miles replied stonily. He felt so ashamed of what he'd done, he felt dirty, guilty, embarrassed. He felt like he'd betrayed himself, but also Benny. They weren't even together, and they never would be if he kept doing shit like this.

"Just focus on the game now alright man? Jamey can wait till after. Then you can fuck her whenever you like" Theo told him more seriously now.

"Yep" Miles replied shortly, Theo was such a pushy captain at times but he knew he was right. He needed to focus less on people like Benny and Jamey, and more on the game. So why couldn't he get the redhead out of his brain? Even after hooking up with Jamey those chocolate brown eyes and that sweet smile were cemented in his mind...

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