-20- Stolen Moments

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Miles brought the car to a standstill perfectly lined up in a parking spot in the school parking lot. He turned the engine off glancing at the nervous Benny. Overnight the bruises had only gotten worse protruding nastily on his face as a constant reminder of his dads torment.

"You sure you wanna go in today? My mom said it'd be fine if you stayed at mine, she would call you in sick and everything" Miles tried to convince him hopefully. The last thing this poor boy needed was to become the talk of the school due to his abusive household.

"I-I'm sure Miles. I'll be-be fine" Benny stuttered back nervously readjusting his glasses. Sighing is resignation Miles nodded and they both climbed out the car.

"If you need me give me a ring okay?" Miles told Benny giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

"I- I will, thank you" Benny answered sending a sweet smile Miles way. Miles returned feeling his face heat up before noticing something out of the corner of his eye. Theo was stood staring at them both on the steps to the school. His gaze was hyper focused on them eyes narrowed.

Miles felt a sinking feeling wash over him as him and Benny parted ways walking up to the school from separate angles. Ross was sick today so he'd be mostly on his own. It scared him that Theo had seen him with Benny but he hoped Theo hadn't read too much into it. He knew that he totally had though.

Heading into the boring science classroom Miles took a seat, Benny was already in there sat in his usual spot at the front, head down focused on some notes. The rest of the class slowly trickled in chatting away until the room was full.

Kai sat beside Miles a bored expression etched onto his face as he slumped in his desk.

"Next up we'll be drawing graphs using the results on the sheets in front of you, make sure to use a pencil and a ruler for these and remember to label the axis!" The science teacher ordered sternly emphasising her points with brief pauses.

Many people groaned pulling out pencils and rulers from their pencil cases. Miles did the same sighing in sheer boredom.

"Yo Miles do you have a spare pencil? I don't have one" Kai hissed leaning over to him getting uncomfortably close.

"Sure, here" Miles told him taking out another pencil then handing it across the desk discreetly. Kai winked at him in thanks staring for a moment longer before starting his graph.

Miles did the same measuring out how big each axis needed to be then plotting all the different points his line would hit and filling in the units.

"Miles this pencil smells like you" Kai commented sniffing the pencil, Miles chuckled awkwardly.

"I think that's on you for smelling a pencil Kai" Miles replied smirking at the goofball sat beside him.

"Fair" Kai answered with a nonchalant shrug exuding confidence "can I keep it? Your scent is nice. I'd put it in a candle. I'm big on candles" Miles asked explaining his thought process.

"That sentence got weirder by the second I'm not gonna lie" Miles responded raising his eyebrows in amusement "but sure, and errr. Thanks I guess?"

"Thanks bro" Kai thanked him sniffing the pencil again making Miles chuckle. Kai was acting strangely that's for sure, however not as strangely as the boy say opposite him. Theo.

Theo was routinely glancing at Miles looking extremely quizzical. The gears seemed to be turning in his brain as if he was trying to figure something out. Miles tried to ignore but could constantly feel Theo's eyes focused sharply on him.

"You good Theo?" Miles asked trying to seem as calm as possible.

"Yeah, just trying to figure something out. It's really bothering me" Theo answered cryptically looking away and across the room at Benny. Miles couldn't help steal a glance at the redhead too. He was as usual working away positioning his ruler up on the graph paper precisely.

Looking away from him to avoid Theo noticing him staring Miles couldn't help but smile. Benny was so cute. He wished the boy would share his feelings and be ready for a relationship with him without all the self doubt.

"Right there's 5 minutes till the bell. I need you all to pick partners for your homework assignment due next week. I've handed out sheets with instructions for the assignment. I also need you to revise for your first mock exam in two weeks time! Class dismissed!" The teacher yelled making herself heard over the chatter.

Miles and Benny exchanged a small glance before Benny shook his head. Miles felt disappointed but also knew it would raise many a question if he teamed up with Benny.

"No Ross today huh, guess it's you and me then" Kai told him with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Works for me" Miles replied with a shrug. Kai nodded packing his things up, they walked to the gym changing rooms together making their way through the waves of people.

Once inside everyone began getting changed. Theo barged in slamming his bag down aggressively on the bench beside Miles then looking up at him coldly.

"I worked it out" he announced to Miles. Miles cocked his head in confusion and Theo carried on "You and Bender Benny. You dropped him off today, helped him the other day. Keep looking at each-other. What's going on there?"

Miles gulped feeling eyes on him "Nothing, it was just cold and he was walking by himself. Was trying to be nice" Miles answered nervously looking around at the watching faces.

"Why be nice to a nerd? Let alone a gay boy?" Tom asked in confusion screwing up his face. Miles bit his lip trying to remain calm, but what Theo said next sent him over the edge.

"You're not a faggot, are you miles?" He asked his eyes locking onto Miles narrowing suspiciously.

Feeling anger boiling inside him Miles lunged striking Theo on the face. Theo fell backwards hitting the floor with a yell. "Do you want to repeat that word?" Miles yelled lashing out to kick Theo but feeling strong arms dragging him backwards. It was Kai.

"Calm down Miles, he's not worth it. Ignore him and his homophobia" Kai urged whispering in his ear and keeping his arms gripped onto Miles toned chest.

Miles relaxed in his grip breathing heavily, the anger was subsiding and being replaced by regret. He might get suspended now. How the fuck would he explain that to his dad.

"I'm gonna get suspended for this" he muttered bitterly freeing himself from Kai's grip and moving his bag to the other side of the locker room. Theo was stood up now holding a tissue to his bleeding lip angrily staring daggers at Miles.

"I'll make sure he doesn't tell. Leave it with me" Kai assured him a glint in his eyes.

"Thanks Kai, I appreciate it" Miles replied unsure as to why Kai was suddenly taking interest in him, they'd only ever really spoke in passing at practice or at parties. Yet today Kai seemed to be speaking to him at every opportunity.

"And about the whole picking Benny up so he didn't have to walk thing. I think it was a sweet thing to do" Kai admitted before turning away to get changed. Miles nodded in thanks also getting changed.

If the cat got out the bag about his sexuality things could change drastically for the worse. He didn't want that. 

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