-16- Burden

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The pair sat on the soft, living room couch in silence. Their earlier antics now hung in the air awkwardly. Neither of them had spoken a word since they'd left Miles room. Jennifer had given them a knowing look when they'd descended the stairs but hadn't mentioned anything about the compromising position she'd caught them in.

Headlights suddenly flooded the living room, Miles shielded his eyes from the aggressively bright lights as the sound of a car engine spluttering to a halt could be heard. Then a loud, violent car door slam. It sounded like his dad was in a mood.

This was confirmed when the front door was hurled open. Jennifer jumped up immediately taking her husbands coat from his hands, Miles followed her allowing his Dads suitcase to be shoved into his hands. He wheeled it into the living room setting it down in the corner.

"What do you say Miles?" His Dad cooed mockingly.

"Thank you" Miles told him quietly not daring to make eye contact. He knew his dad would never hurt him, but he was still afraid of him and afraid of treading a foot wrong around him.

"Who the hell are you?" His dad asked turning to look at the skinny redhead sat on the couch.

"I-I-I'm Benny, n-nice to m-m-meet you" Benny answered quietly, he politely held his hand out for a handshake but Miles dad looked at it in disdain.

"O-o-ok, h-h-h-h-h-h-hi b-b-benny, b-Benny" His dad joked clearly finding himself absolutely hilarious making fun of the quiet boys stutter. Benny looked hurt but nodded his head sitting back on the couch and repositioning his glasses.

"Dad don't, he can't help it" Miles interjected quietly his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah whatever" his dad replied sending a scowl Bennys way before storming into his office slamming the door harshly.

"Sorry about that sweetie. He can be a little... harsh sometimes" Jennifer told Benny sweetly before speeding into the kitchen putting the kettle on.

Benny turned to Miles who was now sat back down beside him with a concerned look clouding his expression. He hated the way his dad had just spoken to Benny. Especially after what the boy had already been through that day.

"I-I-I'm used to being-being m-made fun of l-like that, I-it's fine" Benny tried to reassure Miles offering a small, obviously fake smile.

Miles shook his head "You shouldn't be used to that Benny" Miles responded firmly "no one should have to be used to that"

In response Benny shrugged his shoulders. He clearly had something more pressing on his mind.

"What's worrying you?" Miles asked kindly shuffling closer to Benny, Benny looked up at him nervously.

"W-what are we?" He questioned anxiously stumbling over his words.

"What do you want us to be?" Miles deflected looking back at Benny earnestly. He knew what he wanted. He wanted to wake up to Benny's face every morning, to be able to touch and kiss the boy whenever he wanted, but if Benny didn't want that. It was over.

"I- I- I- don't know" Benny confessed timidly fiddling with his sleeves nervously.

Sensing he would have to be the one to make the first move Miles nodded "Do you wanna be my boyfriend Benny? Sorry that was blunt" Miles said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Benny giggled softly but looked troubled "I- I- I don't want y-you to- to get hurt o-over me" he told Miles guiltily "I- I want to say- say yes, but I- i don't want you to be b-bullied, t-to be hit, to be c-called n-n-names for who you are"

"Then why should that happen to you?" Miles countered raising his eyebrows.

"I d-deserve it, you don't" Benny replied his shoulders drooping slightly.

"I want you to be my boyfriend Benny, I don't care what other people think" Miles insisted softly "I love you, I don't think you deserve any of those things, you deserve the world"

"D-d-don't lie to me" Benny quietly replied not looking up, he looked scared. Scared he would burden Miles, scared he'd get Miles hurt, but Miles would happily face those things for Benny.

"Please Benny, I love you" Miles told him desperately. Benny looked away tears slipping from his chocolate brown eyes.

"I-I-I'm sorry Miles, p-p-please don't p-punish me for this. I-I'm sorry" Benny whimpered back leaning away from Miles.

"I would never Benny, please take a chance with me. I swear I'd never hurt you. Not in a million years Benny. I love you" Miles whispered pleadingly.

"I- I can't Miles, p-p-people don't l-like me. T-there's a reason for- for that. Y-you shouldn't- shouldn't g-get involved w-with me" Benny told him tears spilling from his eyes at a fast rate.

"Please Benny" Miles practically begged feeling his heart snap in two.

"I- I- I'm gonna go" Benny replied standing up hurriedly "I-I'll give you these back once I've w-washed them, I-I'm sorry" he added hastily putting his trainers on.

"Benny where are you gonna go? Your dad kicked you out" Miles replied concern gripping him as the boys hand clutched at the door handle.

"I- I'll find s-somewhere" Benny whispered back before rushing out the door. Miles hurried to the window watching as Benny sped down the drive disappearing behind his Mom and Dads cars.

Sighing in desperation Miles stepped back "Trouble in paradise?" Jennifer asked sympathetically staring at Miles from the kitchen doorway.

"Something like that" Miles muttered back stomping up the stairs bitterly. He entered his room looking at the bed emotionlessly. All he wanted was Benny with him that night, cuddled close. Instead the poor boy was out there somewhere on the streets in the damp, cold bitter weather. With only a hoodie and jeans to keep warm.

"Fucksake" Miles whispered to himself, he crawled onto the ground reaching under his bed and deftly grabbing a small, wooden box from underneath it. Opening it up he discarded all the crap inside on the floor until he reached it. A blade.

He held it gingerly between his finger and thumb, staring at his shattered reflection in the small metallic object. He hadn't done this for so long. He couldn't now, could he?

Temptation stirred in his mind, begging him to cut, just 1 line... He knew what would happen then though, another would follow, then another, and before he knew it he'd be in hospital getting stitches again.

Breathing heavily Miles dropped the blade back into the box stuffing everything else back on top of it hastily, he felt sick. He wanted everything to go back to how it was before he'd asked Benny to be his boyfriend. He'd fucked up.

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