-18- Scarred Confessions

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Rain pelted down from the sky managing to drench Miles on just the short walk to his car, he hopped in hurriedly pulling his hood down and sighing. He started the car backing out of the spot cautiously then hitting the road.

He decided to take the scenic route home in hopes the rain would stop, for old times sake he drove the way he'd driven when he'd first picked Benny up off the street that one time, the houses flashed by as he approached the curb Benny had been sat on.

He thought he saw the redhead sat there for a moment, hood up and shivering in the rain. He blinked trying to get the assumed hallucination to disappear but as he drove past it remained. Gazing intently into his mirror the boy was still sat on the curb getting soaked by the rain.

Miles stopped his car executing a u-turn then driving back over to Benny, he stopped a few feet away rolling his window down "Benny!" He called trying to make his voice heard over the onslaught of pouring raindrops.

The boy looked up water dripping from his hair, he then stood up hurriedly opening the car door and climbing in still shivering with cold.

"T-t-t-thanks" he whispered out his teeth chattering.

"What the fuck are you doing sat out there, you're gonna die of cold or shit" Miles interrogated firmly rolling the window he'd put down back up then turning to face Benny,

"D-d-dads not home y-yet" He explained "I-I'll have y-your c-clothes back to you t-tonight" he added hastily looking guilty.

"Take as long as you need with that, look about last night, I'm sorry" Miles told him sheepishly looking away and watching the droplets of fuzzy rain collect on his windshield.

"I-I-I'm sorry too f-for running off like- like that" Benny admitted timidly.

"Wanna hang out at mine till your dad gets back?" Miles offered kindly "we can have some hot cocoa or something"

Benny smiled in the sweetest way possible and agreed. During the drive back it remained mostly silent, Miles briefly asked how Liquorice was doing with Benny supplying she was doing okay but still had a cone on which she hated. The boy let out a sing song giggle as he described how she'd walk into walls or chair legs sometimes with it and get really confused.

It felt good hearing Benny laugh. The weight of what he had to deal with was almost unbearable so hearing him laugh and seeing him smile was really good.

Once they arrived at Miles house they practically jogged to the front door not wanting to get any more drenched than they already had.

"Hey sweetie, oh hi Benny, how was school today boys?" Jennifer immediately asked throwing over a towel to Benny. Benny dried his hair with it nodding gratefully.

"Fine yeah" Miles answered shortly not wanting to talk about how the day had gone really.

"Good, I've made brownies if you want some? I'd be quick about cause me and Tiff have already scoffed half of them" She confessed with a laugh.

Miles strolled into the kitchen taking two brownies then handing one to Benny, his face lit up as he stared at Miles seemingly wondering if it was really for him.

"Eat it, Mom makes good brownies" Miles ordered kindly.

"I make good everything thank you very much!" Jennifer called back jokingly from the kitchen.

"Tell that to the burnt lasagna we had last week" Miles yelled back flashing a smile at Benny.

"It was just crispy!" She countered indignantly.

Miles smirked shaking his head then leading the way up to his room. Benny's clothes were soaked through so Miles riffled through his drawers finding a pair of jeans and a smallish hoodie.

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