-28- Consequences

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Miles spotted the curly redhead immediately. He was lay on a hospital bed multiple IVs slotted into him. Rough, layered bandages covered both his wrists hiding the deep scars he'd cut into them. He looked so weak and pale lay there covered by a matching white duvet.

His glasses sat on the covers beside him, he usually only took them off to sleep so it was strange seeing him without them. 

"Hey" Miles whispered sitting softly on the bed, nurses worked around them fiddling with machines and the bags that were connected to Benny.

"H-h-hi" Benny said back not looking up, his face remained solemn chocolate brown eyes betraying nothing.

"Sorry" they both blurted out at the same time, it was silent for a few seconds before Benny giggled softly, Miles chuckled too at the awkward moment.

"Can I tell you what really happened?" Miles requested pleadingly, Benny nodded his head timidly looking guilty.

"Simply putting it, he kissed me, I tried to get him to stop but... I couldn't. I should've told him no sooner but I didn't, it's my fault this happened Benny, I'm so sorry my love, more than you could ever know" Miles choked out holding back his tears trying to stay strong for Benny.

Benny tried to put his hand out to hold Miles's but winced in pain retracting it. Miles instead moved his hand softly putting it over Benny's so the redhead didn't have to move his damaged arms.

"I-I-I'm sorry Miles, i-it, it's not your fault" Benny stammered tears spilling from his innocent little eyes, Miles was struggling to hold back his own tears now. Seeing his boyfriend hooked up to so many machines and wrapped in so many bandages was overwhelming.

"I- i just felt- felt so b-betrayed a-and my dad left me, and I thought I would- would be alone f-f-forever, I- I've wanted t-to die for- for so long but, yeah. I'm s-sorry" Benny tried to explain.

"What do you mean your dad left you?" Miles asked in surprise squeezing Benny's hand gently.

"W-went to Russia, h-he told me I- I was a failure and- and him and m-my uncle w-would be going there to- to start a new life" Benny admitted. Miles wiped the tears off Benny's broken looking face feeling his heart twisting in two.

"I'm so sorry" Miles told him comfortingly.

"I-it's fine. I-I-im glad he's gone, as, as awful as that s-sounds. I j-j-just" he paused choking on his own words "wish I was too" he whimpered out.

"Benny darling" Miles whispered both of them crying now "I don't want you to die, please Benny. I love you"

Benny cried harder putting his head down and sobbing, Miles looped his arms round Benny's waist carefully, he knew the boys stomach must've been pumped so he didn't want to damage anything, but he couldn't not hug him tight wanting against everything to keep him safe.

Just then a nurse came in followed by Miles mom. She was holding a bunch of documents in her hands jotting things down on them.

"How are you feeling Benny" The nurse asked kindly checking his IVs then looking at him softly.

"I w-want to die" Benny replied quietly, the nurse nodded understandingly eyes glazed with sympathy.

"And about your dad sweetie" Jennifer told Benny "these are guardianship papers" she explained nodding to the papers in her hand.

Miles smiled looking at Benny in excitement. That sounded good.

"Do I have your permission to sign it on your behalf?" Jennifer requested noticing Benny's bandaged wrists.

Benny nodded giving her a small smile "does that make us brothers then? Is this incest now?" Miles joked making Benny giggle again.

Jennifer smiled sitting on the bed beside Miles putting her arm round him "No silly. You'll go to a foster family soon, this is only temporary"

"O-ok" Benny answered quietly looking nervous "w-will I- I not be too much t-to handle?" He added shyly.

"About that" Jennifer answered grimly letting the nurse take over. Miles gulped as his and Benny's heads turned to the nurse. He could sense something bad was coming. He gripped Benny's hand harder making the boy pull away in pain, he sent an apologetic glance Benny's way before turning back to the nurse.

"You'll be transferred to a mental hospital next door to here. You'll probably be there a few months or so to stabilise your mental health. Maybe longer or shorter if needed, whilst your there we will begin the fostering process of trying to find you a family, until then you'll be under Mrs Thompson's guardianship" The Nurse informed them with kind firmness.

Benny's chocolate brown eyes widened biting his lip in fear. "You can't do that" Miles retorted coldly getting protective of Benny.

"I'm afraid there's no other option, Benny is a risk to himself" the nurse answered softly.

"No!" Miles yelled at her making Benny jump. "You can't take him!"

"Miles sweetie, he has to go get better" Jennifer whispered kindly patting his shoulder gently.

"I'm not accepting it, you can't take him" Miles argued putting an arm in front of Benny as the nurse stepped over to alter his IV.

"M-m-miles it's f-fine" Benny stuttered out "it's f-fine. I'll be o-okay"

Miles turned to him tears filling his eyes "But you'll be alone"

"You- you can v-visit me" Benny assured him before yawning "I-I'm tired"

"Sleep babe, I'll come visit you when you're at the mental hospital I promise" Miles told him in resignation. He was shaking slightly but trying to keep composed for Benny's sake.

"G-go to- to my house a-and take care- care of Liquorice" Benny requested his voice barely above a whisper.

Benny was then wheeled out the room, Miles watched him leave clinging to Jennifer. "I'm proud of you Miles, he'll be okay" Jennifer whispered putting her arm around him comfortingly.

"We're gonna go out, me, you, Ross and Tiff. For a lovely meal. Then you can visit him when he's been admitted" Jennifer assured him.

"Yeah" Miles responded shortly as the bed with Benny in it disappeared through the door. His worst fears were coming true, Benny was staying in hospital for god knows how long. Surely there was something he could've done to stop this from happening. He knew the redhead was struggling but did nothing and now it was too late.

Guilt washed over Miles like waves from the ocean enveloping the sand. All he could do now was be there for the boy he loved. He'd take care of Liquorice for him, he'd visit him at every opportunity. He needed to make sure Benny would make it through this.

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