-15- Leap Of Faith

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The pair sat on Miles bed gazing up at the TV, a classic horror movie was playing. One of Miles favorite. Benny was quite noticeably less keen but was too polite to ask for it to be switched off, he sat beside Miles eyes glued to the screen nervously as the movie progressed

"T-t-this is s-scary" Benny commented his voice quivering slightly as the music amplified at a particularly key moment.

"That's the point" Miles replied calmly. He'd seen this one a thousand times before so it didn't scare him in the slightest, however when the big jump scare came it wasn't the jump scare that made Miles jump, it was Benny.

The curly haired boy latched onto him letting out a small shriek as the killer fell from the rooftop blood cascading around him.

"Shhh Benny it's fine" Miles soothed him softly, he felt his heart beating faster at the redheads touch. His fragile grip secured onto Miles for dear life.

The fondness didn't last long though. Looking down at Benny Miles frowned. A soft, white bandage was poking out from under Miles hoodie sleeve that the skinny boy was wearing. Miles observed it sadly. He'd been trying so hard to forget the scars he'd seen on Benny's wrist. They reminded him so much of a time he wanted to forget. A time where he couldn't see any alternative. A time when each scar meant everything to him.

Miles sighed turning away as the movie reached its climax. He didn't want to confront Benny about it and scare him away. Equally he really wanted to help in any way he could.

"Its late, lets go to bed now" Miles mumbled getting up then stripping down. He felt Benny's eyes linger on him for a moment before darting away taking his own pants off then settling down beside Miles.

They lay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, their eyes adjusting to the now pitch black room. The ceiling was plain white, the only thing adorning it was a lampshade. Nothing else.

Benny broke the silence whispering out softly "You ever t-think about..." he paused "n-n-nevermind" he stopped himself his voice trailing off.

"No go on, think about what?" Miles pressured wanting to know what was on Benny's mind.

"Dying" Benny muttered back stonily, his voice was quiet but emotionless. Miles sat up looking over at the silhouette of the skinny boy lay beside him.

"Sometimes I guess, pretty scary to be honest" He replied settling back down. He wasn't expecting those words to come out of Benny's mouth at all.

Clearly trying to clear the air and distract Miles from what he'd just blurted out Benny kept talking "I- i I-m gonna go b-back to school on- on monday"

"That's good. Tell me if the soccer boys give you any trouble yeah?" Miles told him firmly. In reality there wasn't much he could do to help Benny without sabotaging his own place in the school, but he'd like Benny to at least feel like he had someone to talk to about it.

"T-thanks Miles" Benny stuttered back timidly shuffling about in the covers, turning on the lamp beside his bed Miles looked into Bennys chocolate brown eyes.

Benny gazed back at him sweetly, Miles knew he had to do it. He had to bite the bullet. Ross was right. If he could come out to Ross and Jamey. He could definitely come out to Benny.

"I'm gay" He mumbled out stumbling over the words and feeling incredibly vulnerable for a minute, Benny just stared back at him quizzically unsure what to say "And I like you Benny, in that way. I can't keep pretending I just wanna be friends cause I don't. I wanna be more than that" Miles continued letting the words fall from his mouth without any caution.

Sat up now Benny was looking anxious, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him Miles began to speak quickly again "Shit, Benny I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry buddy I- I don't know what came over me" Miles whispered gently taking Benny's small, soft hand in his own squeezing it reassuringly.

"I'm so so sorry Benny. I've ruined everything. I'm sorry" Miles repeated. Usually it was Benny apologising over and over again, the tables had now turned and he was the one doing it.

"I-i-its fine" Benny answered shyly not daring to look up at Miles but snatching his glasses from the bedside table and hurriedly putting them on.

"It's not fine Benny" Miles whispered back feeling like his head was about to explode. He'd just poured his heart out to this boy and overwhelmed him completely.

"No- No its fine. I-i-i just n-needed a- a second to p-p-p-process what you said" Benny replied his voice nervous "I- i feel the s-same way" he admitted a light red blush tinging his cheeks.

A wide grin spread across Miles face. His chest tightened as he dropped Benny's hand

"Really?" He asked pinching his palm slightly to make sure he was not dreaming.

"Y-yeah" Benny responded meekly looking up at Miles for the first time "I- i- i don't know h-how you didn't r-realise"

"Can I kiss you?" Miles questioned cupping Benny's innocent little face in his hands.

At first Benny's eyes widened but then he nodded his head nervously.

Miles immediately leaned in pushing his lips against the redhead. Benny kissed back with not as much force but it still felt good. They broke apart their faces still touching and their bodies practically pressed against each-other.

"Was that your first kiss?" Miles queried as Benny licked his lips with a small smile

"I-it was yeah. T-thank you" Benny answered sheepishly.

"My pleasure Benny" Miles whispered back leaning in again, this time Benny let him be completely dominant. Miles pushed the skinny boy into a lying position on the mattress clambering clumsily on top of him.

He could feel Benny's breaths hitch as their lips connected again, Benny grabbed a handful of Miles hair gripping on viciously as they kissed.

Suddenly the bedroom door flew open...

"Hey Miles sweetie your- oh" Jennifer took in the scene her eyes narrowing as the boys broke apart. Bennys eyes darted frantically to his feet his facial expression indicating he wanted the world to swallow him up in that exact moment. Miles gulped locking eyes with his Mother in anticipation.

"Your Dad's gonna be here soon Miles. You'll hear the front door when he arrives. You can continue" She told him a small smirk appearing on her face as she closed the door.

"Wow" Miles breathed out. He'd always feared his mom finding out he was gay. It was one of the things that would sometimes keep him tossing and turning at night. Would she kick him out, be disappointed, shout, yell, hug. None of those happened.

She was fine with it. She acted like it was... Normal.

Benny and Miles exchanged an embarrassed glance "Y-y-your Dad i-is the super- super strict one r-right?" Benny asked anxiously.

"Yep" Miles confirmed sitting up on the bed and pulling his pants back on. Benny did the same watching Miles put his shirt back on longingly.

"D-do you want me- me to go h-home?" Benny offered hastily clearly not wanting to cause a scene.

"Nah you're good buddy. We're just having a 'sleepover' now" Miles answered suggestively making Benny's eyes widen slightly.

"So you can stay. Just be ready. My Dad can be a jerk sometimes"

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