-25- Cheater?

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The bell rang out with a shrill shriek, packing his things up Miles signalled to Benny to follow him, they walked down the bustling corridor blending into the crowd as they walked, soon they were out the quiet back entrance. Only a few students were going that way so it meant they could take a longer route round to the parking lot together without being spotted.

"How's your day been?" Miles asked putting his arm round Benny comfortably.

"G-g-good. V-very eventful" Benny replied shyly going red from remembering what him and Miles had gotten up to in the locker room.

"And you enjoyed every second of it" Miles whispered back seductively then ruffled Benny's curly red hair up teasingly.

He then noticed Benny itching his wrist irritably "What's the matter" Miles queried trying to stop Benny scratching at it gently pulling his hand away.

"J-j-just the concealer, I-it makes it itch m-more" Benny confessed looking down at his wrist in disdain.

"Try not to scratch it babe, it'll make it worse" Miles said kindly rubbing Benny's back comfortingly "how's it been by the way, your self harm?"

"O-o-okay I guess, b-b-been doing it- it less since, you know. W-we started d-dating" Benny explained timidly readjusting his glasses like he always did when he wasn't sure how to act.

"I'm glad. You still got that Liquorice drawing on your arm? I didn't see it earlier" Miles queried.

Benny nodded "I-it g-got covered with- with the concealer, I-I'll d-draw her again t-tonight probably, I-it helped s-seeing her t-there" he told Miles.

"I'm proud of you" Miles informed him proudly "so proud of you, well done"

Benny nodded gratefully. "C-c-can we go back t-to your house?" Benny suggested quietly.

"Of course babe" Miles answered smiling warmly at Benny, Benny nodded but then turned back around.

"I-I-I'm just gonna use-use the bathroom q-quickly, y-y-you can wait in- in the car" He told Miles speeding back into the school. Miles headed to his car silently getting in and slamming the door behind himself.

He then got his phone out scrolling, the wind howled aggressively around his car but he paid it no attention lazily scrolling through his Instagram feed seeing what his peers and influencers he followed were getting up to.

Chuckling at one particular post he suddenly heard light tapping against the window, not looking up he unlocked the car allowing presumably Benny access to get in. The car door opened and someone hopped in. Miles looked up with a warm smile expecting Benny, but instead was greeted with Kai's face.

"Oh- hi Kai" Miles blurted out in surprise flashing him an awkward smile.

"Hey" Kai replied awkwardly shuffling around in the seat so he was directly facing Miles.

"Did you finish the project then?" Miles asked filling the uncomfortable silence.

"I'm not here to talk about the shitty science project" Kai countered smiling in a flirtatious manner and putting his hand on Miles lap.

"Kai, I've got somewhere to be soon, I-" Miles started but he was stopped mid sentence by Kai's lips connecting to his pushing him back, Miles froze in place for a second as Kai kissed him passionately before leaning away.

"You sure you've got somewhere to be pretty boy?" Kai flirted leaning over and practically dumping himself onto Miles lap, they were now squashed together in the small space between the steering wheel and the back of Miles seat. He could feel Kai's fast breaths on his face.

"Kai I-" Miles mumbled but Kai interrupted him again.

"I know in a place like this it's hard to be accepted, but this works. Me and you. I haven't been able to get you off my mind since yesterday. Like I knew you were hot from seeing you change in the locker room. But seeing you up close like that, my god Miles. You're special" Kai explained his words coming out quickly.

"I wanted nothing more than to get you naked and have some fun, so are you up for it?" Kai questioned boldly leaning in again and kissing Miles on the lips not allowing him to respond.

Miles struggled beneath Kai's grip. He was stronger than Kai but due to the position they were in he couldn't easily manoeuvre himself away from Kai.

As Kai leaned back allowing Miles to catch a breath Miles hissed out "I have somewhere I need to be Kai, please"

Kai looked disappointed but nodded "I'll wait here for you tomorrow after school. Then we can 'talk' okay?" Kai told him putting clear emphasis on the fact he didn't mean talk. He then connected his lips to Miles's one more time in a passionate kiss before climbing out the car, he passed a final wink to Miles then strolled away.

Wiping his lips Miles looked at the floor. He'd never felt so powerless in his whole life. He hated what had just happened with every bone in his body, looking up with a sigh his stomach flipped. Benny was stood beside the car looking in his eyes wide. Tears were slipping down his cheeks as his mouth hung open. Miles hurriedly wound down the window.

"How long have you been there?" He questioned hastily feeling himself go numb.

"L-l-long enough" Benny whispered back his voice barely audible above the noise of rustling leaves. His lip wobbled as emotions began to overcome him, He then turned on his heels speed walking away from the car.

"Benny wait!" Miles shouted unbuckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car. He watched Benny continue to walk putting his hood up and head down. "Benny! Please!" Miles yelled again gazing despairingly as Benny got further away.

This couldn't have happened. Benny saw Kai kissing him with no context, he wasn't able to see Miles emotions of how much he despised what was happening, he wasn't able to hear Miles declining Kai's offer. He just saw them kissing. What else was he supposed to think.

Miles sat back down then slammed his head on the steering wheel the horn blaring out as he did so. He couldn't believe he'd allowed this to happen. The betrayal Benny must be feeling right now was unimaginable. Turning on the engine Miles slowly drove his way back home. Tears blurred his vision for a lot of the journey so he kept having to blink them away so he wouldn't miss a turning or a red light.

As he made it into his driveway he slammed the breaks, turned the engine off. Sighed then leaned back in his seat. Had he just ruined everything?

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