-32- Foster Family

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"Yep we'll be free this afternoon, do they seem nice?" Jennifer was talking into the phone seriously. Miles looked across the table at her waiting for the phone call to be over. She was meant to be teaching him how to bake cookies not be chatting away on the phone.

She paused nodding her head in understanding "Yes, he's had it very tough so that's good to know. We'll be there for it. Thank you. Bye bye" she hung up the phone quickly scribbling something down on a piece of paper then turning to Miles.

"That was the hospital" she informed him, Miles was instantly on edge worrying if there had been some kind of problem with Benny.

"What did they say? Is he okay?" Miles asked quickly.

"Oh yes he's fine, it was about a foster family. A couple are interested in adopting him, they're local apparently so he wouldn't have to move far and could continue attending the same school if he so wishes" Jennifer explained "so we'll be going in this afternoon to speak with them and Benny"

Miles nodded sighing in relief. Despite that being good news he was still nervous on Benny's behalf, his boyfriend needed parents who would love him despite his scars, parents who wouldn't hurt him and would be there through thick and thin. Not run off to Russia or hurt him at the first sign of trouble like his dad did.

"Right, back to cookies" Miles said picking the wooden spoon back up.

"Keep mixing that till its well mixed, then we can add the chocolate chips" Jennifer instructed watching Miles mix the mixture.


"I-I-I'm nervous" Benny whispered biting down on a cookie, he'd been allowed to have one of their cookies by the doctors despite his strict diet.

"It'll be okay, my Mom is just speaking with them now and then they'll be up. And if you don't like them you just have to tell us after they're gone and you literally never have to see them again" Miles reassured him.

Benny nodded with a small smile taking another bite out of his cookie "T-these are good" he commented finishing it then wiping the crumbs off his lap.

"Thanks" Miles replied with a small smirk "Love you Benny, you've got this" he added encouragingly.

Footsteps then approached the meeting room door along with voices. Benny's eyes widened as he leaned into Miles shoving his bandaged arms hurriedly under the table to hide them. Miles patted his knee comfortingly as the door opened.

Jennifer walked in followed by two women, they were both dressed casually. One had lots of piercings and a bright pink streak running through her otherwise black hair. The other one lacked piercings along with somewhat normal hair, it was short and brown.

"You must be Benny" One of them said holding out her hand to shake his, Benny cowered away not looking up his eyes fixed on Miles hand that was in his comfortingly.

The woman nodded in understanding sitting across the table from him with her partner and Jennifer.

"Benny, this is Cassandra" Jennifer introduced him to the brunette first, Benny looks up nodding timidly as his eyes observed Cassandra "and this is Alex" she told him pointing to the woman with the piercings.

Benny nodded again looking briefly at the second woman before his chocolate brown eyes went back down awkwardly.

The room fell into an awkward silence. Miles looked between them desperately wanting them to get on well but also not wanting to force it.

"I like your hair" Alex stated randomly looking at Benny's red locks "reminds me of my younger days, before I let loose" she added pointing to her now much more extreme hairstyle.

"I tried to stop her" Cassandra told them smiling at her wife. Miles could tell they were married from the matching rings they wore.

"The cat didn't recognise her for days, wondered who the hell was in our house and what they'd done with Alex" Cassandra said stifling a laugh. Benny looked up smiling at the mention of a cat.

"You- you have- have a c-cat?" He questioned nervously his voice low.

"Yeah! He's called Dave" Alex informed him nodding her head. Benny and Miles couldn't help letting out a laugh at the name.

"Dave?" Miles confirmed cocking his head to the side slightly.

"Blame our niece for that one" Cassandra muttered rolling her eyes in an amused manner.

Benny let out a giggle "I- I have a cat too, Liquorice" he said fondly thinking of his black cat.

"That's such a cute name, I love it" Cassandra commented with a warm smile. "We were thinking of getting Dave a friend to keep him company, maybe they could be cat besties?"

"That'd be great" Benny chimed in looking excited at the prospect.

"Not so fast now" Miles stated sending the couple a warning glance, they looked confused but nodded "how do we know you're gonna be able to take care of Benny?"

"We've thought long and hard about this, we've wanted kids for a while but don't think we'd be able to handle youngsters. A mature young man will do us fine" Alex replied with a smile.

"W-will I- I be too much to- to handle" Benny squeaked out quietly.

"Not at all hun" Cassandra whispered back softly, Jennifer sent Benny a comforting glance too as Miles squeezed his hand.

"My brother had really bad mental health problems, he ended up taking his own life" Alex confessed sadly.

This raised red flags for Miles "So do you just see Benny as a charity case? Someone you can 'fix' and make all better to try make yourself feel better about your brother? Cause you're wrong he's so much more than that" Miles told them defensively.

"Miles!" Jennifer hissed at him looking annoyed and horrified at his response to what Alex had just said.

Alex didn't look deterred though, instead she leaned forward gazing between the boys softly "Not at all. I can understand why you'd think that but that's not the case. We'd help Benny through whatever he's going through. But we wouldn't treat him like he was lesser or a charity case. In our house he'd be a normal boy. Our son, Nothing less"

Benny reached across the table taking Alex's hand, she squeezed his gently not even flinching at the bandages and visible scars. Miles smiled nodding at Benny showing he was proud of him.

"Okay, if you'll just give us a moment ladies we'll have a verdict" Jennifer told them firmly, the two women nodded passing grateful smiles to her then exiting the room.

"I-I-I- like them" Benny whispered out immediately.

"Me too" Miles said interlocking his hand back with Benny's

"Do you want me to go forward with the adoption process then?" Jennifer asked with a smile. Benny nodded in confirmation.

"I'll let them know, they'll be able to visit you a couple more times as well if that's okay? Just to get to know you more as the adoption process goes ahead" Jennifer informed him.

"Y-y-yeah that's f-fine" Benny stuttered with a small smile, small but genuine.

As the door shut Miles and Benny's lips connected instantly in a passionate kiss. When they broke apart Miles took Benny's hand lovingly "I'm so proud of you" He whispered.

Benny blushed looking away "I- I feel, like- like everything's coming together a- a bit more n-now" He told Miles a gleam in his chocolate brown eyes Miles hadn't seen for a while. Miles felt so too.

It felt like things were finally starting to fall in place for Benny, this is what he deserved.

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