-6- Broken Glass

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Miles smirked as Benny looked around the house awe, he looked like he hadn't seen anything like it before. "Y-your house is- is so n-nice" Benny muttered quietly his head whipping from right to left taking in all the different features of the living room.

Lulu jumped up and down at them excitedly barking loudly, Benny's face lit up as he ruffled her fur gently making the small dog run circles around his legs.

"She likes you, liked you at the vets too" Miles commented smiling at Benny's sweet reaction to the dog.

"Hey Miles sweetie did school go okay?" A soft voice came from the kitchen, it was his mom.

"Yeah, I've brought a friend round" Miles called back feeling slightly embarrassed at the way his mom was speaking to him in front of Benny.

"Tell Ross he needs to spend more time at his own house!" His mom yelled back jokingly, she then emerged from the kitchen standing in the doorway. She was smaller than Miles but shared his sapphire blue eyes and soft brown hair.

"Oh, you're not Ross. Hey hun I'm Jennifer, you can call me Jen though" She told Benny kindly sending a warm smile his way.

Benny looked like he didn't really know how to respond before his brain suddenly caught up and he replied "I-I'm Benny, nice to meet you ma'am"

Jennifer laughed slightly "It's been a while since anyone's treated me with that kind of respect, hmm Miles?" She questioned raising her eyebrows.

"Whatever Mom, let's go upstairs Benny" Miles answered rolling his eyes at his moms comment

"Now hold on a minute, I'm about to start cooking tea, does Benny want to stay round for it? I think you could do with some plumping up" She said referencing Benny's skinny frame.

"T-thanks b-but I wouldn't w-w-want to be an inc-inconvenience" Benny stuttered back timidly making Jennifer smile at him.

"Nonsense my love, you're staying for tea tonight, I'll see you both soon okay?" She told him firmly patting his shoulder lightly, Benny noticeably flinched at this but stayed composed.

Miles hurriedly led Benny up the stairs feeling embarrassed by his Mom, but also feeling grateful she didn't judge Benny for his stutter. He was worried people might do that.

They entered Miles bedroom Benny shutting the door softly behind them looking around in wonder "T-this is y-your bedroom?" He asked stepping forward into the room.

"Yeah" Miles answered shortly falling back onto his bed with a sigh. Benny meanwhile was pacing around admiring every little detail.

"T-t-this is like... m-my bedroom w-would fit in this c-corner" he gestured to the corner he was stood in which housed a bookcase and set of metal drawers containing Miles extensive video game collection.

"My Dads kinda loaded" Miles admitted sheepishly, he didn't really like talking about his family's wealth for fear of seeing arrogant or like a spoilt rich brat.

"He's ceo of a well known lawyers firm, barely ever home, he's very strict when he is though" Miles added context, Benny nodded understandingly looking around awkwardly.

"C-c-can I ask you s-something Miles?" He questioned nervously clutching at the sleeves of his hoodie anxiously.

"Yeah of course" Miles replied nodding warmly back at him, Benny's chocolate brown eyes darted away.

"Why, w-why are y-you being so n-nice to me and t-trying to be m-my friend?" He asked timidly his eyes remaining on the floor rather than looking at Miles.

Miles let out a small sigh "There's something about you Benny, I think you're sweet. Funny. Kind, and kinda cute" Miles admitted bashfully.

Benny's eyes widened at the last part his pale cheeks tinging pink, Miles coughed awkwardly wishing he hadn't said the last part.

"N-n-no one is normally- normally this nice to me" Benny told him shyly "usually t-they want nothing to do w-with me"

"Well I like you Benny, I wanna be... friends... with you" Miles replied quickly.

"T-that's really k-kind of you, t-thank you. I-I'd like that too" Benny responded gratefully a small smile flickering onto his face momentarily "I-I've never really- really had friends before, w-what happens next?"

"We drink each-others blood and dance naked in the moonlight" Miles joked earning a playful smile form the redhead. "Nah, we just hang out I guess, nothing specific"

"Y-yeah" Benny answered scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, he clearly lacked many social skills but that almost made him even cuter in Miles opinion.

They sat in Miles room and talked for a while longer, he told Benny about his passion for soccer which Benny clearly didn't share but listened intently, meanwhile Benny discussed his enjoyment of books in particular a gorgeous library in the middle of their town. He vowed to show Miles it one day and Miles agreed sensing how much the curly haired boy liked it.

Soon Jennifer was calling them for food, they headed down the stairs still talking about the library Benny had mentioned. Taking their seats at the table Miles little sister Tiffany looked quizzically up at Benny.

"Who you?" She asked her small eyes narrowing at Benny, Miles smiled between them, Tiff was barely even 4 at this point so still had a lot to learn.

"I-I-I'm Benny" Benny replied awkwardly pushing his glasses up his nose slightly then having a mouthful of pasta.

"How did you meet Miles then?" Jennifer questioned curiously gesturing between Miles and Benny.

"Errr, t-the vets actually" Benny answered looking over at Lulu who was curled up dog bed near his chair.

"You got pets then?" Jennifer wondered quietly munching on her pasta, Miles was used to this. His Mom was a social butterfly and loved having all the details of a persons life. He knew she meant well but was worried it'd scare Benny a bit.

"Y-y-yeah, c-cat" Benny stuttered back, Jennifer raised her eyebrows questioningly and Benny took the hint expanding on his answer "She's black, and c-called Liquorice, I-I've had her since- since she was a kitten"

"That's really sweet" Jennifer told him with a warm smile.

"You done with your interview? He doesn't take autographs to make you aware" Miles joked flashing his Mom an amused glance. She rolled her eyes playfully back at him as Benny giggled sweetly.

The lovely moment however was shattered, Benny went to pick up his glass of water but his hand slipped accidentally knocking it over, he stared down at the water flooding the table his eyes wide and apologetic.

"Shit" Jennifer mumbled jumping up to grab some paper towels.

"I-I-I'm sorry" Benny choked out not daring to look up, he then hastily stood up darting out the room.

"Boy spilt water" Tiff commented pointing out the water seemingly not realising her Mom was already sorting it.

"I'm gonna go make sure he's okay" Miles told his mom quickly before following the route Benny took through the living room and up the stairs.

Seeing the bathroom light on Miles pressed his ear to the door, he could hear soft sobs coming from within making his stomach drop. He softly opened the door spotting Benny immediately sat on the floor head in his hands.

Miles approached him kneeling down beside him "Hey Benny, it's okay it was just an accident, no one's upset with you" Miles reassured him trying to sound supportive.

"P-please d-d-don't punish m-me, p-p-p-please I'm sor-sorry" Benny spluttered out his glasses stained with wet tears and his chocolate brown eyes wide.

Miles couldn't think straight right now... punish him? Why the fuck would he do that? Did he mean physically? What was going on with Benny Parker?

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