-17- Regrets

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In the bustling hallways of the school Miles was greeted with a cheeky grin by Ross, the boy raised his eyebrows at Miles clearly expecting to know every detail of how it had gone last night, but Miles ignored it.

Looking impatient Ross nudged him, Miles entered the code for his locker opening it and covering Ross's face from view shielded by the thin metal. He heard a hearty chuckle from the other side as he retrieved some books and sheets from within. He then slammed the door shut meeting Ross's eyes.

"So... how'd it go?" Ross initiated clearly not picking up any of the hints Miles had practically shoved down his throat.

"I don't wanna talk about it" Miles retorted coldly. The grin vanished off Ross's face instantly.

"I'm sorry dude, there are plenty of fish in the sea" Ross tried to reassure him but this only made it worse. Sure there was plenty of fish in the sea, but how was that any use when the one he was craving wouldn't take the bait. He needed to show Benny how much he really cared. In truth if Benny really wasn't interested he knew he'd have to accept it, but Miles wasn't going down without a fight.

He'd thought about it last night, Benny struggled with two main things. Bullying and Self Harm. So why not try make one of those easier for him to manage. Both if possible. Then he'd feel less like a burden, his life would be easier and they could be together. The only small probably was those two tasks were big. Much easier said than done.

"Ross" Miles said quietly thinking over his next move carefully. Ross cocked his head sideways nodding waiting for Miles to speak "if you found out I was cutting again, what would you do?" He asked

Ross's eyes immediately darted to Miles wrists gesturing hastily for them "Show me" he ordered firmly, Miles let out a small, grateful smile but shook his head.

"I haven't I promise, it's just. If I did, what would be the ways you'd help me? Maybe even the way you'd stop me?" Miles prompted.

A look of scepticism crossed Ross's face as he continued to stare at Miles, reluctantly Miles rolled his sleeves up proving to Ross he hadn't done it. Ross looked relieved as his relaxed his stance leaning against the lockers lazily.

"I'd probably tell you it's alright. That I understand why you're doing it, but that you need to find some kind of alternative or way to stop because it's unhealthy" Ross told him confidently "and I'd remind you where you ended up last time, and ask you if you really wanted to end up back there" he added.

"Right, thanks Ross that's really helpful" Miles thanked him gratefully thinking over what he'd said wondering how could apply it to Benny. Ross had been like a rock to him when days were dark. He wanted to be like that and more for Benny.

"So wipe that idea from your mind right now" Ross concluded, the pair began to stroll down the hallway in the direction of their class, they passed Benny on the way. The red head looked up forcing a weak, longing smile at Miles. Miles sent a warm, appreciative one back trying to seem as friendly as possible to Benny.

"Surprised he's even back after what they did to him" Ross commented as they walked into the classroom taking their usual seats. Benny came in a moment later being hounded by a couple jocks who stood in the doorway yelling things at him then scarpering as the teacher approached. She patted Benny on the back comfortingly before returning to her desk.

The classroom quickly filled up with Theo, Tom and Jake sat opposite Miles then Ross and Kai sat either side of him.

Benny swivelled his head around stealing a small, pained glance at Miles before quickly turning away noticing Miles had seen him. Miles smiled slightly. Whilst they hadn't parted on good terms last night at least Benny didn't seem to be resenting him for it.

"Yo Miles, Bender Benny keeps staring at you, I noticed it in the hallway too" Tom whispered over the desk keeping his voice hushed.

"Is he?" Miles asked feigning ignorance hoping they'd drop the subject.

"He's practically salivating whenever you go near him, proper freak" Theo commented harshly staring daggers into the back of Benny's head.

"I think he's been looking in my general direction not actually at me" Miles replied trying to ease the tension.

"Don't be modest bro, he's totally into you" Tom retorted a smirk piercing his gaze.

Miles was about to protest when Theo spoke again "Shame we didn't manage to roofie him at that party, bastard slipped away from us. Would've loved to have him more weak, defenceless and vulnerable than he normally is, would've been jokes" he said making Miles blood boil.

Unexpectedly Ross chirped up "Nah Theo, that was kinda fucked up mate" Ross told him quietly.

"Say that again Rossy boy?" Theo answered calmly leaning forward a challenge in his gaze.

"He said it was kinda fucked up" Miles responded for him "not gonna lie Theo I agree. Like it's literally illegal to do pull that shit"

Theo scoffed as Tom whispered in his ear, by now the teacher had set them off on a task so the classroom radiated with chatter.

"How is it fucked up, the bender gets what's coming to him. His own fault for being like that you know what I'm saying?" Theo stated coldly shrugging his shoulders.

"Nah it's fucked up, he could've gotten really sick or worse" Miles defended. Theo looked surprised he was being spoken to like this but another voice joined the conversation leaning over Theo and Jake's shoulders.

"It was fucked up Theo. Anyone who thinks that shit is funny is fucked up, people literally get kidnapped and raped by stuff like that happening to them" Jamey told him in an unapologetically snappy voice.

Kai then spoke up from beside Miles "Yeah. It happened to my sister once, she got roofied at a party and they gang raped her, like seven guys. She still has flashbacks from it" he confessed looking upset at Theo.

"Keep your nose in the goal Kai, not where it doesn't belong" Theo answered weakly clearly uncomfortable at his friends turning on him like this "it's not gonna happen again so who cares"

"Better not" Miles muttered under his breath glancing at Benny who was stood over by the teachers desk getting help with one of the questions.

"I've got your back Miles mate, it was fucked up what they did" Kai told him warmly sending a wink Miles way.

"Cheers Kai. I appreciate that" Miles answered in a friendly manner. Miles was pleasantly surprised Kai and Jamey had spoken up, even more so the usually less confrontational Ross.

Watching Benny go back to his seat paper in hand Miles gazed at him longingly. He'd do anything to have Benny by his side. He planned on trying to get the redhead to go round to his house that night. So they could have a proper talk about what happened. Or just hang out. Whichever Benny felt like doing.

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