-30- Visiting Hours

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Walking through the double glass doors of the mental hospital was nerve wracking. The environment here was so clinical and serious. It sent shivers up Miles spine.

"I'm here to see uh.. Benny Parker" Miles communicated to the impatient looking receptionist. She nodded briskly typing things into her keyboard noisily.

"Miles Thompson?" She asked in an uninterested tone. Miles nodded in confirmation watching as she typed some more things out "take a seat, a doctor will be down shortly to take you to his room" she ordered gesturing to a bunch of couches at the other side of the reception.

Miles strolled over to them sitting down clumsily. He waited for what felt like years taking in the features of the modern looking waiting room. He knew the money was being funded by his parents so it made sense the hospital was nice. If his dad knew who Benny actually was to him he doubted this would continue to be the case though.

"Mr Thompson sir?" A young looking doctor called over to him. Miles leapt up speed walking to the door the doctor had come from.

"Benny's room is right this way, we just have to put you through a metal detector and a small search to make sure you're not bringing anything in" the doctor informed him quietly.

Miles nodded as he stepped into the little room. Two security guards were stationed there gesturing Miles over. He felt slightly offended they thought he might be bringing stuff in but it made sense as a procedure.

Stepping through the metal detector it didn't beep. The guards then patted him down and checked his pockets. They confiscated the chocolate bar he'd brought for Benny explaining due to the extensive meds he was on his diet was extremely strict and planned out.

Miles wasn't happy about it but he didn't fight it. As long as he could see Benny that was all that mattered. The Doctor then led him up a flight of stairs and down a long, narrow corridor. The hallway was brightly lit with white washed walls and doors lining them. It wasn't exactly welcoming.

The Doctor gestured to room 43, Miles knocked lightly on the door. Took a deep breath then entered.

The room itself was cozy enough, there was a bed in one corner. A desk in the other and a couch plus table the other side. There was another door which presumably led to a bathroom. Paintings hung from the wall depicting colorful scenes, a fuzzy rug lined part of the floor being the only part of the floor which wasn't a rough looking beige carpet.

Miles eyes darted around the room. Then landed on Benny. The redhead was sat lazily on his bed fiddling with a rubix cube. He looked worn out but comfortable enough, he was wearing baggy hospital clothes which clearly didn't fit him very well, there were bags under his clear rimmed glasses showcasing his lack of sleep.

"Hey babe" Miles whispered out softly, Benny looked up in surprise, then a look of pure joy covered his face as he jumped up jogging over to Miles and hugging him tightly. Miles hugged back as Benny buried his face in Miles sweater.

"I've- I've missed y-you so much" Benny stuttered his voice full of raw emotion.

"Missed you too my love, you've got me until visiting hours close" Miles answered warmly as Benny led him over to the bed, they sat side by side cuddling close.

"How have you been?" Miles asked immediately. He noticed there were still bandages wrapped around Benny's fragile wrists along with a big, white bandaid across part of his neck. Benny clutched at it self consciously.

"F-fine I guess, t-the f-first couple days were bad. I- I scratched my n-neck up p-pretty bad so they had- had to cut my nails" Benny told him sheepishly, Miles examined Benny's nails taking his hand softly, they were incredibly short now, that was probably for the best.

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