O1 - The mission

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"Codename Crow, office twenty five AX."


I was walking towards my boss's office as I had been instructed to do, but as I got closer, I couldn't ignore the unusual feeling of uncertainty that was growing stronger with each step forward.

When I finally opened the door to my boss's office, I noticed that he wasn't alone - my long-term rival from childhood, Win, was also in the room.

My confusion and feelings of awkwardness intensified, as I had assumed that I would be working on this new mission with another woman, not my nemesis.

What could have prompted this unexpected turn of events?

"What the fuck is he doing here?" I ask.

"Watch your tongue. I'm the one who asked Win to come here," My boss says.

"The mission we have for you will involve both of you."

I stare at my boss, stunned and unsure of how to feel.
Win's presence changes everything.

"But I thought I would work with someone else...a woman," I say.

"You were supposed to, however that woman has another things to handle so she signed off from the mission."

I can feel the air in the room get tense as Win stares back at me.

The last thing I wanted was to be paired with my hated enemy on this important mission, but now I have no other choice.

I try to keep my wits about me while wondering how the two of us can ever get along enough to do this mission properly.

My boss speaks up again.

"I know you two haven't been on the best of terms in the past, but this mission is too important to let your feelings get in the way."

I deeply sighed. This is just great.

"The instructions of this is mission is to adopt a smart five to seven year old kid, buy a home. Don't worry I will take care of the financial things.
Make this kid study hard so she or he can accepted into the famous academy called Martician Academy."

"What in the actual mission is this-
Why should we adopt a child when we can simply become a teacher in that school?" I ask because this just doesn't make any sense to me.

"Bright. Your idea would be a great idea if they didn't only accept Martician family members."

"Reasonable." Win comments, looking at me with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes.

"You will have to act like a family on good terms. So for now you will have to act as a couple." Boss explains,

"The reason behind this mission is, that ten kids were found missing this month. And the twist is, they all went to that exact academy. I have a feeling that Joseph Martician, the principal of the academy is a secret agent working under Wabi Sabi s. r. o... So I want you two to find it out."

Me and Win were both listening intently, taking notes and asking questions as our boss explains the mission.

"So are you up for this mission?" asked our boss, his piercing gaze fixed on us both.

There was a brief moment of silence, then we both responded simultaneously.


"Yes, sir."

"Good, now, do what I told you to do," he said, his tone ominous and demanding.

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