TT23 - Coincidence?

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Me, Bright, and Merry were having dinner together, with a topic of conversation revolving around the day's activities.

Merry had experienced a long and tiring day, due to it being her first day at school.

We were enjoying the delicious meal and catching up on life, when Merry suddenly made a request.

"Papa, could I go to a friend's house tomorrow, please?"

Me and Bright exchanged a questioning look, unsure about who the friend was that Merry was referring to.

She already found a friend on her first day of school which is good, but..

"What's her name?" Bright asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"He's a boy. His name is Jay Martician."

Bright spit out his drink in disbelief.

Jay Martician?! The son of the principal Joseph Martician?! How did she possibly became friends with him?

As I was thinking whether or how I should deny Merry's request for going over to Jay Martician's house the next day, I suddenly recalled the reason for my presence at the academy.

Joseph Martician, the principal and Jay's father, was indeed a dangerous man, but if I allowed this friendship to form, perhaps me and Bright would be able to get closer to him, which would in turn help our mission to succeed.

"Alright, but under one condition." I said.

"Which is?.. " Merry wanted to know.

"We will go with you."

"Okii, no problem!!"

"It's settled then."

Once Merry had gone off to bed, me and Bright couldn't help but wonder how she had managed to make friends with Jay, despite him being the meanest and least gracious child in the Martician bloodline.

Our boss had told us that Jay was the worst, yet Merry somehow had gained his friendship.

The question then became, how did this happen?

The two of us leaned against the bed frame, contemplating the situation.

"Bright", you asked, hoping to get a different perspective on the situation through him,

"What do you think she did?"

He turned his head to their side.

"Who knows..." He replied.

"Do you think Merry is too cute to be ignored?" 

That sentence was supposed to be a joke,   wait, no. Merry is very cute indeed.

"I guess so.."

"Let's hug." I insisted.

"Hell no."

But I didn't listen. I hugged him from the back.

And he didn't even bother me to stop.

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