F15 - Our turn

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We arrived at the designated locale, and a refined looking elderly man with spectacles beckoned us to approach.

"97X Office 32!"

We rose from our seats and proceeded towards to the designated office, wherein the other people had congregated in anticipation of our presence.

Everyone, including ourselves, sat the designated spot, and the individuals before us began to focus their keen gazes in our direction.

When they had completed their assessment, one among the attendees declared,

"The first question is for Mister Metawin Opas-iamjakorn, young woman's biological father."

Win nodded. "Yes, sir, that's me."

"As the biological parent, you are in a unique position to provide us with insight into her personality traits. Please elaborate." The elderly gentleman urged.

Win responded swiftly and effectively, describing her traits in vivid detail.

"Merry is indeed a highly intelligent and remarkably bright individual, possessing a near encyclopedia-like memory capability and ability to recall intricate details,"

Win continued,

Furthermore, she displays an exceptionally kind and cheerful disposition, albeit with some shy tendencies, only becoming cheerful and friendly after building trust with another person. Additionally, she is also a picky eater."

"Thank you." The man turned his attention to me. "Vachirawit Chivaaree, second parental guardian."

The elderly gent directed his gaze to me, eagerly awaiting a response.

"Yes, sir," I replied with a level-headed manner, attempting to exhibit composure in the presence of these influential individuals.

"I would be grateful if you could detail your thoughts and opinions on Ms. Merry, so that we may gain a better understanding of her character and personality."

"As the second parental guardian, I have been able to observe Merry's behaviors in much detail.
I must admit that she is an wonderful young woman, who posses admirable attributes such as diligence, empathy, and kindness. But there's also things I don't like about her, things like getting annoyed easily."

I saw in the corner of my eye that Merry was beaming with joy at my words.

The elderly gent nodded his appreciation of my response, recording it in his notes.

"Now let's turn our attention to Merry. Merry, please present yourself with your proper name, age, and place of birth," he asked.

"My full name is Merry Mayuree Chivaaree Opas-iamjakorn. I am seven years old born in nineteenth of February. The place of birth is Bangkok Thailand." She proudly said.

The man carefully listened and wrote notes.

"Can you tell me an opinion about having two fathers?"

"Sure thing, sir! Some might people might be making fun of me having two fathers, but that doesn't change the fact that they are my parents."

"Awh, that's a nice thing to say." He replied to her answer.

"What about your biological mother?"

"In truth, I have never met my mother. My father has always told me that she left when I was really young."

"Alright, and my last question. Tell me everything about your parents."

"Papa Win is a kind and funny dad. He mostly cooks and takes care of me. He works as a part-time doctor."

She took a second to think.

"On the other hand, papa Bright works as an architect, and is most time working. I would describe him as grumpy but kind at the same time."

"That's nice and do you know how your papa's met?" He asked.

The problem was that we have never practiced for this question. We never told her how we met.

She was looking at both of us, not so surely, but my surprise she actually replied.

"My papa's met first time in the hospital, after papa Bright had to be hospitalized, papa Win was the doctor taking care of him."

"Wow, that's a cute love story." The guy chuckled.  "Alright that's all for today. The test Merry has to write is starting tomorrow exactly at ten p.m." The man informed.

"Thank you very much, sir."

We bowed our heads and left the office."

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