E18 - Let it beggin

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We proceeded to purchase school supplies in anticipation of her enrollment at the institution.

As we journeyed to the shopping mall, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, unable to grasp the reality that she had achieved the highest score on the exam.

This success was indicative of our mission being slated to attain fruition.

"Bright," I inquired, as he was driving, while Merry occupied the backseat, perusing through her novel.

"Yes...? " he retorted, bestowing me with a contemptuous glare.

"How is Perth doing?"

He furrowed his eye brows.

"Perth? Why?"

"..Just wondering."

"He is very fine."

"If you say so, darlin."

"LOVEBIRDSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" Merry yelled out loud.

He gave me an annoyed look.

"Darlin my ass." I heard him whisper.

The brief commute to the shopping complex proceeded without incident.

Upon arrival, we descended from the automobile, and Win made an announcement:

"Merry, because of your successful test, we will let you purchase whatever you want."

Hearing these words, Merry rejoiced, expressing her gratitude towards Win by offering affectionate hugs to the both of us.


We chuckled in turn, amused by such a cute display of gratitude and admiration.

"Indeed, let's take your money and experience a journey of shopping!"

Win proclaimed in cheerful tones.

"Who catches me first wins!!!"

I joyfully told them and quickly rushed to the escalator.

"Papa Win, I want this pencilcase."

"Papa Bright, I want this plushie."

"Papa Win, I want this Mario Kart CD."

"Papa Bright, I want those shoes."

"Papa Win, I want this backpack."

"Papa Bright, I want this doll."

"Papa Win, I want those clothes."

"Papa Bright, these notebooks are pretty!"

My credit card is going to die after this shopping spree.

After two hours following of Merry, she saw how tired we are.

"Papa's, I will go to that book shop myself okay?"

"Alright, we will be waiting here."

"Here's my credit card." I gave her my credit card.

Once the lengthy period of time concluded, Merry emerged from a book store, with tons of books.

Upon asking her why she bought such an immense volume of books, she responded by clarifying that they were BL books.

Win was taken aback by the information, questioning in disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

Merry responded with a matter-of-fact attitude by merely stating that,

"Of course. Look this is Dangerous Romance novel version, this is Lost in cloud, Kinnporsche novel version, Given manga-"

"Okay enough. I have one question tho." I said.


"Why are you buying eighteen plus books?"

"WHAT THESE ARE EIGHTEEN PLUS?!" Win yelled out loud.

"Pshhh.. I'm sorry Oki? I've seen worse than eighteen plus scenes."


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