TF25 - Fall in my mind

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The battle is finally over.

The weight of exhaustion and relief hung heavy in the air as we boarded the waiting helicopter, the only sanctuary in sight amidst the chaos of the battleground.

I cast a fleeting smile toward Win, Merry and Jay, my heart swelling with gratitude for their presence.

I was happy. I was happy that we will finally be done with this mission.

"Second mission is done. Now I only need a third one, and I'll finally full fill my sisters dream!" Win cheerful said.

"Lets throw a party for you, papa Win!! Let's invite uncle Chimon and uncle Perth too!!"

Jay smiled at the idea even though he had no idea who was who.

"Great idea, Merry!! Let's make him a tulips themed one!!" I added.


As the helicopter's engines roared to life, a sense of tentative calm settled over us.

But a fragile peace shattered all too soon by the pilot's urgent warning.

"Warning, enemy on our side!" He warned us.

Another helicopter, an ominous silhouette against the horizon, trailed behind us, its intentions unknown, but undoubtedly hostile.

The respite we dared to believe in was swiftly darkened by the renewed onslaught of violence.

Bullets pierced the air, and Win and I instinctively shielded Merry and Jay, our bodies a feeble barrier against the onslaught of danger.

But in a heartbeat, the bullets shattered as the door exploded, an unknown person jumped into our helicopter.

In that moment of harrowing realization, Win's resolved into action.
His determination to protect us.

Our eyes widened, when we saw the intruder from close.

I couldn't believe it. Someone who was known for sacrificing themselves, is know trying to kill us?

It's her. Merry's biological mother, as well Win's sister.

"LOVE?" Win realized. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

"Mama Love! Don't do this please!!" Merry cried out with fear, while Jay was hugging her tight.

"I do not know you." She said with cold tone.

My heart clenched with fear as I watched Win fight Love, and pilot struggle to land the helicopter safely.

The situation wasn't getting any better.

Suddenly, the helicopter shifted into another direction.

I have been holding onto Merry and Jaytightly, preventing them from falling, while leaning against the wall.

However, I didn't have a chance to hold onto Win as well.

Win was trying his best to not fall, while somehow holding the floor of the helicopter, but that seemed impossible.

At that moment I felt hopeless.

I started to feel the same feeling I had once felt.

   The feeling of being useless.

I didn't want to lose him.

I didn't know how to help Win. I didn't know what to do.

Love had grabbed Win in an effort to prevent herself from falling out of the helicopter.

It is clear at the moment what had caused the sudden shift in the helicopters position - It was a bomb.

"Merry, Bright, don't forget about me. " Win said, looking at both of us with glossy eyes.

"WIN, NO!" I yelled out.

With a heart-wrenching resolve, he took his sister, and with a leap into the ground, he jumped out of the helicopter.

He left behind a deafening silence that reverberated through the shattered remnants of our shattered reality.

Merry's anguished cry pierced the air, a symphony of grief as tears traced rivers down her cheeks, her desperate please for papa Win.

"PAPA WIN!! DON'T LEAVE US! " She yelled out, tears streaming down to her face. Jay was also crying after he saw the  despair in Merry's voice.

I clung to Merey with all the strength I could muster, so she wouldn't jump too.

"Merry, please, please, stop." I begged, feeling tears in the corners of my eyes.

I didn't want to lose another person. Another important person.

Person who helped me bring my spark.
If I did, I would blame it on myself.

"But Papa Wi-"


It hurt to say those words, but I had to tell the truth.
It is impossible to survive this fall.

Our tears mingling in silent communion as we mourned the irreplaceable loss of a beloved guardian, a steadfast protector, a beacon of light extinguished too soon.

But at that exact moment I forgot, that there's still the enemy's helicopter somewhere.

I don't know what did I expect.
They shot our helicopter once again, but for the last time.

I didn't have the time to react.

I didn't have enough time to hold on to Merry and Jay.

Their small bodies, falling and being desperate to come back to me is the only thing I saw for one last time.

"Codename crow, loss of codename Daisy... Merry..and Jay. " I said thru my watch.

The helicopter soon landed in the forest, near the GMM base, where everyone was waiting for us.

It's all my fault.

Everything is my fault.

I blame everything on me.

I have failed to protect.

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