E8 - Perth Tanapon

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"His tone seems to be different whenever he talks to you, you know?"

"What in the fuck are you trying to say?"

"Calm down, I'm just saying. "P' Perth repeated, his tone calm and collected as usual.

Merry was presently playing in the playground with the servants, while

P'Bright had gone upstairs to collect some belongings.

As P'Perth drew nearer, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

"Stay still," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my own pulse.

But despite his command, I found myself instinctively leaning back, trying to create distance between us.

Frustration flashed across P'Perth's, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

His touch sent shivers down my spine, but before I could fully comprehend the situation, P'Bright appeared.

There was something in P'Bright's gaze, a flicker of emotion that I couldn't quite understand.

Was it jealousy? Is he jealous?

The air seemed to crackle with tension as his eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable yet tinged with an unmistakable hint of possessiveness.

P'Bright's face was icy, his eyes looking deadly, as he pushed P'Perth away from my presence.

He swiftly positioned himself between me and P'Perth, creating a protective barrier between us.

"Why are you here?" P'Bright demanded, his tone sharp and unforgiving. "What do you want?"

"Bright, boss wants to give you two a quick mission, that's why he sent me here. "

P'Perth explained, his expression
remaining neutral despite P'Bright's intense glare.

"Hmph." P'Bright frowned.

"What's the mission about?" I asked.

"You have to find drug dealers hiding in the WNH bar."

"That's all?"
"I guess so."

"Okay and instructions are where?" Bright was still looking angry, but not that much.

"In this paper, here." He took out a paper from his jacket's pocket.

"Welp, that's all from me, so I'm leaving." P'Perth slowly got up, but before he left he turned his head for the last time.
  "And don't worry, Bright, I won't steal your wife."

P'Bright kicked P'Perth's back with his leg, making P'Perth laugh.

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