T10 - Easy peasy

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As I finished putting a vast multitude of study materials on the table, I turned to face Merry, looking at her earnestly.

"So, Merry, these are all the things you need to learn in order to gain admission to the prestigious Martician Academy."

I explained, my tone sympathetic yet motivated.

"That much?! No waaaayy!!"

Merry's face betrayed her disappointment, as she frowned and groaned, her entire focus shifting to the large piles of papers piled on the table.

"It's just maths, languages and sports. Too easy peasy, don't you think?"

"Easy peasy my ass." She muttered.

"Merry, language!!"

"Oops, sorry"

"Merry, will you try your best to make your papa's proud?"

"Yes I will!!"

"Do you promise?"

"Yes I do."

"Alright, then let's get into it."

As we sat down together to learn the study materials I had provided, I realized that my time tutoring her was proving to be an enjoyable experience.

While I was trying my best to explain the equationsy of mathematics to Merry, Bright returned home after the completion of the mission.

Once he entered, Merry noticed his tiredness, she expressed her concern for his well-being, asking worriedly,

"Are you okay, papa Bright?"

Bright waved off her concerns briefly, saying

"I'm fine, don't mind me," before heading upstairs to the bedroom.

As we made a good deal of progress in our academic endeavors, I asked her a important question.

"Are there any languages you can fully speak?"

"Yes, papa Win!!" Merry replied boastfully.

"Which ones?"

"Thai, English, Chinese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Malaysian, Czech, Slovakian, German, Greek, Hungarian, French, Spanish. "

She was counting with her fingers, while confidently listing a staggering number of languages she was fluent in.

I was perplexed; how could a seven-year-old child possess such comprehensive linguistic proficiency?

"Are you serious?"


"Merry!! This is no times for jokes, tell me the truth."

"Oki, sorry papa Win. Thai, English and Spanish, that's all."

"Right.. Okay that enough to get you in that academy."

After concluding our study session, it was approaching nine o'clock in the evening.

Tired from the exhaustive day, Merry retired to her bedroom to rest.

I approached my own bedroom, where I noticed Bright, peacefully sleeping.

"Aww, adorable," I muttered to myself, enamored.

"I heard that," Bright responded, his voice groggy and half-asleep.

"Shiaaaa!! You're awake?" I asked, surprised by his prompt response.

"As you can see.."

"What mission did you have today?"

"Just to kill some guys.. "

"Eh, why are you so tired, then?"

"I don't get enough sleep."


"I often get nightmares."

"That's horrible."


There was a long awkward silence.

"Should I cuddle you?" I suddenly asked.

"Fuck no, weirdo."


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