T021 - Confession

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I'm feeling better than I did yesterday.

It appears that I have made progress in my recovery from the previous day's events.

My boss's decision to grant me some time off from missions was certainly wise, considering the serious injuries I had sustained.

Hopefully, with proper rest and a gradual return to physical activity, I will be able to recover fully and get back to normal operations soon.

"Bright, wanna sign off from the family mission?" Boss asked before he left the hospital room.

"No, I don't want to."


When boss had finished his conversation with me, he had left the hospital room, leaving me with some time alone.

I remained silent, contemplating the events of the previous day.

But then, Merry and Win had entered the room, bringing me back to present circumstances.

The presence of them had brought me some comfort and relief, helping me focus on the present once again.

"Papa Brighttttt!! Are you okay?" Merry started questioning.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for asking tho."

Win giggled at my response.

"Didn't know you knew how to thank someone."

"Papa Win! Don't make fun of papa Bright!" Merry alerted, pointing index finger at him. "Or else I'll start like papa Bright more than you!"

"No no no no no!! I take everything back."

We all burst out laughing.

"Merry, tomorrow is the first day of school, remember that?" I asked.

"Did you prepare things for school yesterday?" Win remembered.

"Uh.. Um.. No I didn't.. I forgot. But today is Sunday, we have a lot of time to prepare!"

"If you say so." I said.

"Papa's, let's play truth or dare!!" Merry suggested.

We both nodded.

"So, papa's, truth or dare?"

"Uh truth."
"Yeah truth." Win agreed with my reply.

"I dare you to kiss!!"

The unexpected dare from Merry created an awkward moment for two of us.

Even though Win tried to politely refuse the request, Merry seemed adamant about the kiss.

We didn't have any choice, but to do it.

The two of us of them gave each other a quick kiss, keeping it simple and brief.

But just when we thought it was over, Perth and Chimon, who were holding hands, walked into the scene by coincidence.

"Oh damn. Sorry for disturbing your sweet moment." Chimon apologized and closed the door.

"Noooooooo uncleeee Chimoooonnnnnn come baaackkkkk!!!" Merry pleaded and went to open the door for them.

I looked at Win, who was not daring to make any eye contact with me.

"Sulking?" I teased.

"Sulking my ass..." He pouted.

"Yeah, you're definitely sulking."

Chimon and Perth closer to us.

"So how's our married couple doing?" Perth questioned, with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." I smacked him to his head.

"That wasn't necessary, damn!!"

"What about you two, hm? You seem to be so close?" Win asked them.

They gazed at each other and then acted as if nothing.

"Just job partners..." Chimon murmured.

"Just job partners, huh? That's why you two were holding hands when you came?" I knew that they are clearly lying.

"Fine! We are dating. We were dating for three months now." Chimon confessed.


Me and Win both shouted at the same time.


"YAYY!! My ship is sailed!!" Merry jumped with cheer.

We all took a look at Merry and then all burst out laughing.

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