TF24 - Start and End

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It appears that after my papa's had dropped you off at school, I quickly went to my locker and met my friend Jay, who was already waiting for me.

"Merry, hello!!" He greeted.

"Oh, Jay! Hello!" I waved at him.

The two of us had a quick conversation about the plans for my visit to his house, and I was glad that my papa's allowed me to go.

As the two of us chatted, the time for class arrived, and we had to head inside for math class.

Being directly in front of Jay is a good seating arrangement, as it allows me to interact with him more easily.

The math class started off as usual with the students standing up in response to the professor's arrival.

I was drawing in my notebook, not focusing.

"Merry, give me that notebook." He demanded.

I had no other choice but to listen.

However, the professor's cold attitude, and his harsh rebuke of me for not paying attention, caused me to become distracted from the lesson.

That's when the professor suddenly asked me to answer a question, and I was completely lost as to the subject of the discussion.

This prompted him to order Jay to explain the topic being discussed, which allowed I to quickly catch up and resume the class without any further disruptions.

"Merry, here, this is are the equations we are doing." He pointed at the equations in our maths book.

"Thank you." I softly smiled at him, making him blush, or it seemed like it.

The annoying school ring was heard after 45 minutes. It meant that the maths class was finally done, now we have a ten minute break.

I turned around to see Jay, writing something in his diary.

"What are you writing?" My sudden question made him startled.

"What?.. Nothing.." He tried to hide the diary, while I suspiciously looked at him.

"If you say so."

"By the way, Merry, are you allergic to strawberries?" He asked.

"Um.. No. Why?"

"It's a surprise, hehehe."

I laughed. "I'm excited!!"

"Me too, Merry."

As usual, lunch time arrives following a few hours of intensive academics.

Me and Jay seem to have a cordial friendship, and we engage in a light conversation as we wait in line for lunch.

We both choose different foods, with me selecting Kung Pao, and him opting for Pad Thai.

Once we entered the cafeteria, the two of us proceed to the last available table where we sit down for lunch and continue our chat.

"Do you like Pad Thai?" I questioned.

"Yeahh!! It's so good."

"Papa Win makes them too and it's so good!! You should come to my house sometime!!" I suggested.

"Good idea!!"

We were talking, that's when a group of boys butted in.

"Why is a girl talking with boy?! I bet she's only talk to him because she wants money from him!! Ewwww!!" The tallest one said, with disgust, while the other ones agreed.

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