S7 - Unexpected

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The gun was pointed directly at my forehead.

"I loved you, Bright. But you should start realizing who you trust. "

"Tu, please, please, stop it. Please, Tu, stop everything. This isn't you." My tears flowed.

"This is all your fault."

A shot was heard coming from a gun.
But it certainly wasn't her.

I woke up in a cold sweat, still feeling the lingering effects of the nightmares that had plagued my sleep.

For a moment, I trying to sleep alone on the couch again, but then I remember.

I'm sharing a room and a bed with my mortal enemy, Metawin.

I can't help but feel uneasy about the arrangement, but there is no other option.

With a heavy heart, I decided that sleeping next to Win is a necessary evil if I am to feel safe.

For someone who used to despise him, I'm suddenly realizing how comforting his presence can be.

I wonder if he's having the same thoughts as me.

For a few moments, I just stared at his face, because I couldn't sleep at all, but it changed when I fell asleep, feeling cozy and comfortable.

The next day I awoke to discover Metawin gazing at me, and my heart immediately skipped a beat as I realized that he had realised he fact that I had shared the bed with him that night.

"Hm...The person who said that isn't sleeping next to me is doing the opposite as I see." he commented, his words being teased, but gentle.

"Shut up," I snapped back immediately, angered by his observation and eager to avoid any further conversations on the subject.

I quickly got il and did my usual morning routine.

As I entered the kitchen, I noticed that the breakfast had already been prepared by our expert chef, and Merry was already eating it all.

"Good morning, Merry." I said.
"Goodmorning, papa Bright."

"Is the breakfast tasty?"
"Sure it is... Sorry for not waiting."

"It's okay."
"So.. Where is papa Win?"

"He's coming, don't worry."


After finishing our delicious breakfast, I went to the living room to catch up on some TV, but was disrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing incessantly.

As I stepped towards the door, I felt a sense of tension and nervousness rising within me.

My body trembled as I clutched the gun, pointing it at the unknown intruder through the window.

When I opened the door, my eyes locked with a mysterious man clad in black.

"Go away you ugly frog!! You will not hurt my papa's again!!"

"Kiddo, chill," the man warned, as I pointed my gun at him. "I'm not a guy bad guy."

"Then who are you?" I responded, not willing to accept his argument. "You look like the thiefs that wanted to kill papa Win that day!!"

That's when both of my papa's came down stairs.

"Merry!! Where did you get that gun from?" Papa Win nervously asked.

"I found it in the vault under sofa,papa Win."

"Okay.. Uh.. Merry, put it down, okay?"

I listened to papa Win's words and did as he said.

"Who is he?" I asked my papa's.

Bright deeply sighed and then turned his head to the guy, I do not trust.

"This.. Is our friend,"

"Our?" I heard papa Win whisper, but acted as I'd I didn't.

"His name is Perth, you can call him uncle Perth, okay?"


I turned my attention to uncle Perth.

"Why do you dress like a bad guy?"

"Kiddo, I can wear anything as long it's wearable, understood?"

"You are such a meanie. I don't like you, blehhh!!" I sticked my tongue at him and quickly ran away.

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