TT22 - School day

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                  Scary Patootie

  Win: Bright?

                                           What is it? :Him

Win: Come see me ☹️❤

        I'm literally laying next to you. :Him

Win: But you're not looking at me 😢

             I won't, you fucking weirdo. :Him

"Didn't you say you won't?"

The light banter between me and Brught continued, with my teasing causing him to respond with a slightly annoyed tone.

The two of us are currently just laying in bed, and it seems that we both are feeling too lazy to get up.

However, I suddenly remembered that today is Merry's first day back to school, so I knew that we both have to get up to make sure she is ready and properly prepared for the day.

"Bright, come on! Get up. It's Merry's first day in school.."

"Just few minutes." He murmured.


I went to check on Merry, who was already prepared - Dressed up in her uniform, with backpack in her back.

"Wow. You're such an early bird, aren't you?" I said, and patted her head.
"Wait for us in the living room, okay?"

"Oki, papa Win!!"

It seems that the morning got off to a quick start, as I quickly awoke Bright and successfully got him to listen to me.

We proceeded to dress ourselves in fancy clothes and quickly sped to our car.

With Bright's skillful abilities behind the wheel, we were able to quickly reach the school.

With the school instructor's directions, we quickly arrived at classroom 1XD, only to find that were were the second students to arrive, so we were not late at all.

"I don't understand, why you were rushing so much.. Damn.." Bright yawned.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't realize it would start at nine."

As I was about to ask Merry about her opinion in the class, I saw that she was gone.

That's when I saw her talking with another girl in the corner of the classroom.

I just smiled and didn't bother to annoy them.

It's good that she's finding friends, isn't it?

Me and Bright leaned against the classroom's wall.

"Why didn't you agree to sign off from this mission? I thought you hate this mission." I asked.

"It's.. I was wrong, okay? You are a fine partner to work with."

I softly smiled.

"I have to say, that you are also a great partner." I said and became quiet.

It seems I have grown quite attached to Bright, especially after the long heart-to-heart conversation we had in bed.

However, I have started to doubt the chances that Bright would reciprocate the intensity of my feelings.

As it stands, he seems to see me solely as a partner in a professional context, but not in a romantic one.



"Does Merry know about real us?"

"She does. She was the one who saved us after all."

"What are you talking about!?"

"She killed the boss with gun before he killed us."

"Why The fuck did no one tell me about this?"

"Because it was supposed to be a secret
... But I trust you."

"Even so, how could a child know how to correctly shot someone?"

"She's a baddass. No, I'm joking. No I'm not.  Her mother's used to learn her how to protect herself, in case if any emergencies, because they used to be spies."

"How come Merry ended up in adoption center then?"

"Her mothers died. And you know what? One of her mother's is my sister. The one I was talking about."

I took out my phone and showed him the picture.

"That's her. She never told us that she was pregnant." I pointed at her.

"That means, you're her uncle."

"Yeah true."

"Damn, is this a coincidence?"

"Who knows."

As the hour struck nine o'clock, every student from the class 1XD arrived along with their parents.

The target of the mission, Joseph Martician, had just arrived at the classroom and initiated his presentation.

"Keep an eye on him." Bright whispered in my ear.

I gave him a quick nod in Acknowledgment and began to focus my attention on the target.

Martician started with a brief iintroduction.

He picked up the paper laying on the teacher's desk.

 "Good morning, everyone", Principal Joseph Martician greeted the assembled groups of parents and children, who had all arrived at Thailand's most famous academy.

"This classroom is for Class 1XD, which is comprised of the students who scored the highest on the entrance examination," he explained,

"Your kids will also have to choose w club, in which they will attention to, until the end of the semester. I hope your kids and you will be happy with our school, thank you for your attention."

The students, including me and Bright, complied with the general clapping, to  not to draw undue suspicion.

Both of us seemed to have observed various mannerisms and habits from Joseph, which could prove useful in our mission.

It appears that I have provided Bright with certain tips and directions, including instructions to watch Martician's body language.

Bright, on the other hand, offered his own observations.

He pointed out that Joseph often keeps his hands behind his back when he is comfortable, and also that there is a possibility he is left-handed, judging by the fact that he picked up his paper with his left hand.

It seems that Professor John Martician has assumed the role of presenter, following Joseph's introduction.

The topic of his discussion appears to be centered around the rules of this classroom.

He seems to have taken over the presentation from Joseph, and will likely discuss this subject more comprehensively and in depth.

After two hours, parent meeting was done. We left Merry in the academy for the first time ever.

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