N19 - Secret revealed

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Despite facing overwhelming opposition, we had maintained our calm and kept up the fight.

Brilliance and agility, combined with flawless technique, allowed us to swiftly strike down the agents.

After ensuring that the agents had been neutralized, we stole their guns and proceeded with their operation.

The battle had been intense, but we had succeeded in our mission to deliver vengeance to the agents who had been responsible for the death of so many innocents.

Suddenly the unexpected emergency call came in through our watches.

We glanced quickly at each other, aware that this meant one of our allies was in trouble and we were the nearest to them.

We dashed across rooftops and leaps of faith, speeding from one rooftop to the next until we reached their destination.
Entering the shadowy, silent building,

"Is codename fighter here?!" I shouted, with no response in return.

The tension was escalating rapidly, and all that could be heard was our breath catching in our throats.

Just as Win had asked, there was no response.

The silence in the dark and quiet building was deafening.

We looked around, my heart pounding hard in my chest.

The tension had quickly risen, and all they could hear now were their own breath.

Suddenly, a loud crashing noise echoed through the building, causing the is us to stop breathing.

It seemed like the danger they were anticipating had arrived.

The situation became more frantic as the agents began attacking us with every strategy they had.  

One agent struck a swift blow from above, but I managed to dodge it and attack him from below.

Another agent wielded a stick in a fashion similar to Japanese martial arts, but my skill with Japanese martial arts allowed me to recognize the pattern and dodge the attack.

The agents continued to attack from all angles, but the we managed to evade each blow and counterattack with our quick reflexes and exceptional martial arts skills.


I wanted to call for help, but that changed, when I saw that my watch wasn't on my wrist.

I told that to Bright, who checked to find out that he also doesn't.

The situation was rapidly worsening.

Without our watches, we did not have any means of contacting our allies or receiving backup.

Additionally, our lack of watches indicated that our communication systems were compromised, which meant that calling for help would be an impossible task.

The dangers that had piled up made the situation increasingly grim.

With no way to seek backup and our opponents surrounding us, we understood that our odds had become desperate.

As we continued to fight against overwhelming odds, more agents began to arrive.

The agents had managed to surround me, cutting off all avenues of escape. One of the agents stabbed me into my shoulder.

I let out a painful groan.

"Win!" Bright yelled.

The situation seemed hopeless, with no way out and no chance of victory.

That's when Bright suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, leaping into the fray with an astonishing display of agility.

He delivered a furious barrage of kicks to the agents, clearing a path of escape for the two of us.

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