T3 - Me a wife?!

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As our car rolled to a gentle stop, I turned to Merry, her wide eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Look, Merry," I said, my voice laced with reassurance, "if someone asks about us, just say we're your parents, alright?"

Merry nodded, her small hand gripping mine tightly as if seeking comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Stepping out onto the pavement, the brisk air enveloped us, carrying with it the scent of freshly mown grass and distant city life.

The building loomed ahead with modern architecture that spoke of comfort and security.

As we made our way towards the entrance, a warm greeting interrupted our journey.

Turning to the source, we were met with the sight of a kindly grandma, her face adorned with a gentle smile that seemed to welcome us into this new chapter of our lives.

"Oh, hello!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth and curiosity.

"You must be the new neighbors right?" She asked.

"Yes, yes.." I replied.

"So are you two friends or-" And before she even could finish her sentence, Win jumped into it.

"No, we are husbands."

That was very straightforward..

Her face dripped into a shocked expression.

"You're what?" she gasped, completely taken aback by the news.

"We're married." Winrepeated, holding my hand tightly, as if to prove that we're really a couple.

Granma stared at us in disbelief, her eyes searching our faces, looking for any sign that this is a joke, but she saw nothing but sincerity and honesty.

Grandma's gaze shifted focus to little Merry, her eyes filled with curiosity and wonder.

"Are these really your parents?" she asked, her tone dripping with fascination.

Merry looked at us, then at Grandma, trying to decide how to answer the question.

She giggled and answered calmly

"Uh huh, papa Win gave birth to me!" She explained as she pointed at Win.

Win and I slepped our foreheads, standing there in disbelief, our faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Close enough," I thought to myself, the comment meant to lighten the tense situation.

However, the grandma seemed to take offense, and she shot us a dirty look, before walking away in a huff.

As we all walked to our new apartment, I realized there was something I had to explain to Merry.

"Merry, you can't tell people that Papa Win gave birth to you!"

I tried to explain, feeling confused and a bit irritated by her innocent misunderstanding.

"But Papa Win is my papa! Why can't he he give birth to me? " Merry replied, her tone utterly inquisitive and innocent.

"Merry, listen-" Win tried to make it clear.

"NO! I've read many bl comic's where males give birth!"

And like a magic, her innocence was gone.

"HUHHHHHH?????" Me and Win both shouted at the same time.

"You are seven, why are you reading those damn books?!" Win questioned.

"Dunno, I found them in the library."

What kind of kid is this?

Stepping up to door 76, our apartment number, Win reached out and turned the handle.

As the door swung open, we were greeted by the warmth and intimacy of our humble abode.

Though modest in size, the apartment exuded an undeniable charm, with its snug layout and inviting ambiance.

The soft glow of lamplight danced across the walls, casting a comforting aura over the space, instantly making it feel like home.

"Woahhhh!!" Merry screamed, her energy exploding into a sudden flurry of action the moment we set foot in our new apartment.

She jumped into the sofa and started jumping on it like a trampoline, her little shoes clattering loudly on the floor.

"Merry! Your shoes. Take them off before entering the house," Win told her firmly, but she just giggled and nodded.

"Oki papa Win," she replied, obediently taking off her shoes before jumping onto the sofa again.

"Metawin, I'm going to head out to the city for a while, look after her."

"Huh? Why me?!"

"Just act like a wife taking care of her daughter."

"Be a wife?! Over my dead body!"

"You are the one that signed into this mission, so do as I say."

"Asshole." I heard him whisper under a breath.

"Yeah I heard that." 

He rolled his eyes.

And with that I left.

Sorry for being inactive for a while.. Im in hospital rn 🌚👌

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