N9 - The quick mission

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'Your task entails uncovering the whereabouts of drug dealers who have taken refuge within the dimly lit confines of the WHN bar, nestled snugly within the bustling square of Bangkok.

These individuals are suspected to be operating under the shadowy auspices of the notorious DORNANI cooperation, a clandestine network known for its illicit activities.

Your mission requires a keen eye, adept observation skills, and a strategic approach to navigate the intricate web of secrecy that surrounds their operations.'

These are the exact instructions written on that paper.

We left Merry at home with the servant's care, and we proceeded to the WHN bar located in the square of Bangkok.

The bar was large and crowded, brimming with people from all walks of life.

"Let's split up, Bright," Win suggested, his voice sounding pragmatic yet concerned at the same time.

I initially didn't want to let him go alone, because the sight of someone touching him makes me.. Furious.

However, I agreed, as the success of the mission was of utmost importance.

As I distanced myself from Win, a surge of unease crept over me, propelling me to scan the room for any signs of trouble.

Nestled at the bar, I attempted to blend in, concealing my mounting apprehension.

Meanwhile, Win occupied himself near the elevated platform of the bar stage, presumably enjoying the entertainment.

Summoning the courage to order a drink, I stole glances in Win's direction, my heart pounding with an inexplicable mix of anticipation and dread.

Then, amidst the flickering lights and murmuring chatter, my eyes locked onto Win, but he wasn't alone.

Another figure, a male, stood beside him, their proximity closer than mere acquaintances.

The stranger's hand grazed Win's arm, setting off an unexpected surge of fury within me.

Jealousy, a volatile concoction of insecurity and possessiveness, bubbled up from the depths of my subconscious.

Yet, perplexingly, I struggled to pinpoint the precise cause of my emotional turmoil.

The sight of Win being touched by another triggered a primal instinct, igniting a firestorm of conflicting emotions within me.

I felt a spike of jealousy as I witnessed Win being touched by the suspicious man.

I wanted to get rid of him with one brutal punch, but I ultimately resisted the urge.

When I pushed the man away, making him fall on a ground, a pocket full of drugs fell out of his pocket, exposing his true nature.

The situation was suddenly becoming clear: the man was indeed a drug dealer, and Win had almost become his victim.

"How did you know it was him?" Win asked me, being amazed.

"I trusted my gut."

Soon, the guy and his other mates were all arrested.

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