T2 - Bangkok

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Win's voice dripped with sarcasm as he declared, "I specifically selected this mission to annoy you, I didn't except it to be this hard."

I couldn't help but scoff at his audacity.

"Brat. Just follow my lead. Remember, I am your senior, so show some respect."

Win tilted his head, a defiant glint in his eyes.

"Respect is earned, not commanded. And right now, you're not earning any."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, bracing myself for what was sure to be a long and trying partnership.

As we embarked on our journey aboard the train bound for Bangkok, the sprawling landscapes of Thailand unfolded outside the window, captivating our gaze with their lush greenery and vibrant colors.

The rhythmic clacking of the train tracks beneath us provided a soothing soundtrack to our travels.

With each sip of his steaming coffee, Win immersed himself in the pages of the morning newspaper, his focused gaze occasionally drifting to the passing scenery.

Meanwhile, I found myself lost in thought, contemplating the mission that lay ahead in the bustling metropolis of Bangkok.

'Adopt a kid and act like a family.'

As the train chugged along its path, the golden rays of the sun cast a warm glow upon the countryside, painting a picturesque scene that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.

Amidst the tranquility of the journey, anticipation simmered in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of conversation from fellow passengers.

After enduring a four-hour journey aboard the train, we finally disembarked, greeted by the radiant glow of the station's lights.

"P'Bright," Win remarked, squinting against the sudden illumination.

"What do you want?" I inquired, feeling the gnawing pang of hunger in my stomach.

"I'm hungry," Win declared, echoing my sentiments.

With hunger urging us forward, we ventured towards one of Bangkok's renowned restaurants nestled next to the station.

Satiated and rejuvenated, we embarked on the next leg of our journey: the adoption center.

Guided by our boss's directive, we were on a mission to expand our family through adoption.

"Don't say anything, I will take care of it." I demanded.

However Win didn't seem interested.

Stepping into the center, we were met with a sense of anticipation and hope, mingled with the quiet rustle of paperwork and the gentle laughter of children playing.

"Hello there," the woman greeted us with a warm smile as she crouched beside the water pump, assisting a child in filling up a cup.

Her voice carried a gentle cadence, inviting us to share our needs.

"We are in search of.. "
Before I could articulate our request, Win interjected with his characteristic charm, "Cute child"

But I swiftly cut him off with a light smack to the head.

"Apologies for the interruption," I interjected, giving a death stare Win's direction before turning back to the woman.

"We're seeking a child, preferably aged between five to seven years old, with the ability to both read and write."

My words were measured, aiming for clarity amidst the slight chaos of the moment.

"Aha! Follow me then."

The woman's command spurred us into motion, our curiosity piqued as we trailed behind her.

Soon, we arrived at a serene scene amidst the chaos-a lone figure, unperturbed by the commotion around her.

A quiet aura enveloped the girl, a stark contrast to the boisterous antics of her peers.

In the corner of the room, she sat, engrossed in the pages of a book, a world of her own creation unfolding before her eyes.

The glasses that framed her attentive gaze, she sported two neat ponytails, adding to her air of studious serenity amidst the lively chaos.

Me and Win decided to ask her few questions before we adopting her.

"Hey, can we ask you questions, hm?" Win started.

The girl shyly nodded.

"Can you tell me the ABC?" I asked.

And by our surprise, she knew the alphabet perfectly.

After a couple of questions we were sure about adopting her.

We signed our papers and went to our new home.

The smart little girl's name is Merry, in truth it's her nickname, because no one knows her real name.

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