T13 - Theme Park

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On this particular day, I would have the responsibility of babysitting Merry for the very first time.

The cause for this sudden shift in duties was Win' s unfortunate solo mission.

Yesterday, the pair of us had grown closer, which brought a spark of joy to my heart.

As I waited for Merry to freshen up, I eagerly anticipated our trip to the new theme park, having promised her to visit during our previous interaction.

"Merry, hurry up." I called out.

"Few seconds please!!"

At long last, Merry's preparation was complete.

The pink-hued dress adorned her, and the two ponytails adorned her head.
Upon her querying,

"Do you like this dress, Papa Bright?"

I responded with a confident and resolute, "Yes, I love it. Now, let's get going."

Together, we proceeded to the front doors. Before we exited, I instructed the servants to thoroughly clean the entire household.

I opened the doors to his white Lamborghini, and Merry immediately settled into her designated seat, eagerly commanding,

"Papa Bright, I'm excited, let's get going already!"

As we approached the theme park, Merry's excitement was palpable, her eyes widening as she caught sight of the colorful attractions in the distance.

"Papa Bright! Look, look!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure joy.

"I see, I see," I replied, smiling at her enthusiasm.

Parking near the entrance, I barely had time to turn off the engine before Merry dashed out of the car and towards the entrance, heedless of my calls to wait.

"Merry, wait!!!" I shouted, hurriedly catching up to her and grabbing her hand firmly.

"You can't just run off like that! It's dangerous," I warned, my heart pounding with concern.

"Sorry, Papa Bright," she apologized, her excitement momentarily dampened by my stern tone.

"It's okay. Let's go together," I reassured her, squeezing her hand gently before guiding her towards the entrance.

Inside, the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and excitement as families and friends explored the various attractions.

Making our way to the ticket booth, I purchased passes for all the rides and attractions, eager to make Merry's day one to remember.

"Where would you want to go first?" I asked.

"Hmm.. The haunted house!"

"Are you sure?"


I wish I could tell myself that it was a bad idea going there.

Like, who expected a haunted house to be this scary?

I got scared so much, I accidentally punched the worker.

Now I had to pay thousands of cash.


I was worn out, my muscles heavy with fatigue, as I assured Merry I'd fetch sustenance for both of us.

Instructing her to stay where she is, I departed, expecting her to be waiting upon my return.

Yet, as I approached my rendezvous point, a sinking feeling crept in - Merry was nowhere in sight.

At first I thought she was joking, hiding somewhere near.

But, no.

Panic coursed through my veins like wildfire, and I scoured every nook and cranny of the bustling theme park, asking security guards to help me search for her.

The gnawing fear of the unknown gnawed at my thoughts - what if the agents of Wabi Sabi s.r.o forces had whisked Merry away, their motives shrouded in darkness? The mere contemplation sent shivers down my spine.

Fearing the worst, I activated the clandestine beacon of your secret watch, invoking

"Emergency E7," rallying my trusted comrades and my boss.

As Perth, Win and other allies descended upon the scene, anxiety surged anew, the passage of time a tormenting reminder of Merry's absence.

"You only had to look after Merry for one day! Damn it, Bright." Win cursed.

Despite our collective efforts, Merry remained elusive, a ghost amidst the lively chaos of the theme park.

Desperation reached its zenith, until Perth, my best friend, took his laptop like a beacon of hope.

With deft fingers dancing across the keys, he initiated a daring hack, tapping into the vast network of Bangkok's surveillance cameras, their watchful eyes becoming my allies in the quest to locate Merry.

As tension thickened, Perth's proficiency in hacking was darkened by his weakness - Coding.

Without the ability to code the necessary scripts, the technology won't let us to the security camera site.

Panic simmered among the team, a palpable sense of desperation creeping in as they realized their vulnerability.

Yet, just when hope seemed to wane, Chimon emerged as the beacon of salvation.

"Mon!! Hurry, please!!" Win called.

His mastery over coding was the lifeline they desperately needed.

With determination etched on his face, he delved into the digital labyrinth, fingers flying across the keyboard with the precision of a virtuoso pianist.

Tension hung in the air like a heavy fog, every second ticking by with agonizing slowness.

But then, like a bolt of lightning cutting through the darkness, success shimmered on the horizon.

In mere moments that felt like an eternity, Chimon breached the digital barrier.

He did it.

We watched, and we were happy to see Merry, feeding the ducks in the near by park with ankther girl her age.

Me, Win, Perth and Chimon all walked to the park.

Merry, the moment she saw us, she went to hug us.

"Merry, I told you to stay in that place." I told her.

"I know, I'm sorry, papa Bright. You were just taking so long."

"Don't do that ever again again, okay? I thought the thiefs kidnapped you" Win explained.

"I will never do it again, I promise."

We both smiled at her, relieved that she's fine.

"They look like married couple." Chimon muttered to Perth.
"Well, they logically are." Perth replied.
"Makes sense."

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