E11 - Prepare for interview

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Time is truly slipping away rapidly.

Merry's interview for the academy would commence in just a few days, and we still had to hone and practice our speaking skills.

Thus, I made the decision to devote today's lesson to practicing our verbal acumen.

When I inquired,

"So what will you say if they ask you about papa's?"

Merry replied with assurance, swiftly describing our respective familial relationships:

"Papa Win is my biological father, and papa Bright isn't.
Papa Bright works as an architect, while papa Win works as a doctor in the Bangkok's hospital."

"Excellent work, Merry." I praised.

Now that the time for the impending interview drew ever closer, I decided to turn my attention to Bright, who appeared to be bored and unmotivated.

"Now, P'Bright, what will you say when they ask us about Merry?" I asked, eager to prepare him for the anticipated line of inquiry.

Bright responded dismissively,

"Don't know and don't care." His dismissive demeanor irritated me, but his nonchalantness seemed unaffected.

"Ah don't be grumpy, dear papa Bright!"

Merry attempted to soothe his grumpiness, chirping cheerfully.

"Yeah, don't be grumpy," I echoed, taking Merry's side as she defended Bright's honor. "We have been practising over ten times now, are you stupid or what?"

However, the tide swiftly changed as Merry whipped out her leg and blasted a fierce kick to my stomach.

"Owww," I exclaimed, clutching my stomach with both arms as I recoiled from the sudden blow.

"Papa Win, don't be mean to papa Bright, he is working all day, all night everyday, which is the opposite of what you do everyday!!" Merry chastised, admonishing me for my unkindness.

"Damn, how is this seven hear old kid too strong?"

This action seemed to amuse Bright, as he managed a small smile despite his apparent exhaustion.


I wouldn't be even surprised if my ear drums busted.

"Merry, chill. I'm next to you, I can hear you perfectly."

"Sorry, papa Win."

Me and Bright finally had some time alone. Merry has gone to watch her favourite cartoon, leaving me and Bright alone in our bedroom.

"Hey, P'Bright, are you really okay?"

"Hm.. Maybe."

"Tell me a better answer."

"Why are you bossing me around? Shouldn't it be other way around?"

"That might be true, but you are horrible at leading."

"You little shi-"

I knew I messed up my words, so I quickly rushed away from him, however he started to chase me.

My attempt to escape proved futile, as Bright gave chase, relentlessly tracking my movements.

I frantically rushed to hide behind Merry's back, seeking her aid and protection against the seemingly relentless advances of Bright.

"I am Papa Win's bodyguard, don't you dare touch him!" Merry sternly warned, attempting to scare off Bright.

The latter responded with playful scorn, mockingly proclaiming,

"Ah, I'm so scared, I'm going to a hit my pants."

"P'Bright, watch your tongue!" I scolded.

"Nah, I'll pass."

Bright then began to tickle us both relentlessly.

After he stopped, we all layed down on the floor.

I couldn't help but wonder, if Merry is happy about having two fathers as parental figures.

"Which papa do you like more? Me or Win?" Bright suddenly asked.

"What kind of question is that?! I like both papas soooo much, you know! I'm not going to answer that, mhmph!"

"Awh.." I pinned her cheeks. "You're so cute."

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