F14 - Chaos Morning

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Today marks the important day of our interview, a day brimming with anticipation and nerves.

However, the morning unfolded in a flurry of chaos as the alarm clock failed to rouse the household from slumber, casting everyone into a frenzied rush to complete the essential preparations.

Despite the harried start, we managed to don our finest attire, each garment meticulously chosen to make a statement.

As we embarked on the short journey to the prestigious Martician Academy, the minutes seemed to slip away in haste, each passing moment amplifying the palpable tension in the air.

Upon arrival, the imposing gates of the academy loomed ahead, guarded by vigilant sentinels whose meticulous scrutiny assigned you the designation of number 97X, a mere digit among the sea of hopeful candidates.

Parking outside the school grounds, we took a moment to admire the grandeur of the Martician Academy, its storied façade exuding an aura of academic excellence and tradition.

With each step towards the entrance, anticipation mingled with apprehension, amplified by the sight of other aspirants and their families gathered in the bustling waiting room.

We were getting a lot of weird looks, but we didn't mind.

We sat on the bench, near the Worden entrance door to the waiting room.

"Merry, remember what we practiced the other day?" I made sure.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"Bright, do you also remember what we practiced the other day?"


The time went by.

And me and Bright were getting more nervous and nervous as we saw the families leave the room, looking horrified.

Are they really that bad?

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