S16 - Writing the Test

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I have been studying diligently for this big test, knowing that I need to do my best to make my papa's proud.

Today is the day of the test and by my surprise we are not late, arriving at the school at 9:55 am.

My fathers, Win and Bright, try to follow me into the school, but the guards stop them from entering.

Papa Win looks at me with hope.

"Good luck, Merry." He said.
"And don't forget to review the test after you're done." Papa Bright added.

"I will try my best, don't worry!"

With my fathers' support and advice, I felt reassured and ready to take on this important test.

I enter the classroom full of other anxious students, but I tried to keep a calm and confident demeanor.

The test can't be that hard, or can it?

However, when the test begins and I saw the difficulty of the questions, any calm demeanor quickly disintegrates.

I take everything back. This is too hard.

The rules given before the test didn't help at all, and each question seems more difficult than the last.

I can't help but wonder how I'm going to pass this test, even with all of my studying.

I could secretly look at the answers of the person sitting next to me, but that would be too risky, since they are cameras all over the classroom.

I was getting nervous. I didn't want to disappoint my papa's..
As I was about to somehow they to guess the answers, I felt something under my shoes.

It was a weird small metal thing, and it had a green light.
There was a small a tiny button which I tapped.

Suddenly like a magic, all the answers appeared in front of me.

The answers were all written in green.

It felt like I had those cool agent glasses from action movies.

I quickly wrote the answers and turned my paper, so no one would see my answers.

'Hehe. This is thing is damn cool!!' I thought for myself.

After waiting for twenty minutes, the professors took out our tests and demanded us to leave.

My papa's were already waiting for me.
I ran to them to hug them.

"Was it easy, Merry?" Papa Win asked.

"Easy peasy!" I confidently shouted, with a smile.

"Let's buy some snacks." Papa Bright suggested, waiting next to his car. "Come on!"

I didn't want my parents to know that I cheated, so I rather hid the tiny metal thing.

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