T12 - The soft side

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As the morning light gently filtered through the curtains, casting soft shadows across the room, Bright and I lay intertwined on the bed.

The crisp scent of dawn lingered in the air, and the warmth of the blankets cocooned us in comfort.

Suddenly, breaking the tranquil silence, Bright's voice cut through the stillness.

"Why did you become a spy?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on me with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

I shifted slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected question.

"Huh? Me?" I stammered, momentarily taken aback before collecting my thoughts.

"Well, it's... it's because of my sister," I began, my voice softening with reminiscence.

"She always had this grand dream of becoming an undercover spy, reaching the highest rank imaginable."

I paused, reflecting on the memories of my sister's fervent aspirations.

"I suppose," I continued, my words tinged with determination,

"I wanted to to fulfill the dreams she never could."

"Why didn't she become a spy herself, then?"

Bright's question hung in the air, prompting a pause before my response.

"Well," I began, choosing my words carefully,

"She actually was a spy in the past, but..Um.. She was shot to death."

The weight of the revelation settled over us, adding depth to the tale of espionage and sacrifice.

"I'm sorry. I hope she's in better place."

As I heard those words, an unexpected warmth enveloped me.
Despite the somber moment, a faint smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"I didn't realize you also have a soft died on you. " I remarked softly.

"People might describe me as an cold- hearted, but no one actually realizes, that I am also a human with human feelings." He said.

In that fleeting moment, a realization dawned upon me.

Behind the facade of stoicism lay a wellspring of emotions, hidden from casual observation. "Cold-hearted," they might say, but beneath the surface, beats a heart as real and tender as any.

As I reached out, fingers brushing through his hair, a silent understanding passed between us.

It was a gesture that transcended words, affirming a connection forged through shared vulnerabilities.

"I see you, P'Bright," I whispered, acknowledging the complexity of his being with a gentle touch.

"But why do they even call you cold-hearted?" I queried, my voice tinged with a lingering sense of disbelief.

"You never did anything bad, right?"

His response, a poignant unraveling of his past, unfolded like the delicate petals of a wilting flower, revealing the tender vulnerabilities hidden beneath a facade of stoicism.

"The truth is," he began, his words laden with the weight of unspoken sorrow,

"I used be far different than I am in the present. In my junior years of being a spy, I used to be happy, smiley and really feeling-sensitive person." He continued,

"I started dating person named Tu. She was the love of my life. She was the first I really got serious with. And also she was all's favorite."

His head tiled upward.

"She turned out to be working for another cooperation and unfortunately I was the first one to find out.
She tried to kill me, but before she even could, someone else did. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to react. I took her gun and aimed at the person."

His eyes were getting glossy.

"I killed the person, because of my anger. That's when my boss came, and be thought the opposite of what I did. He thought I had killed both Tu and that other person. So my best choice was to move to another cooperation. I choose Gmm, because the boss was the only who trusted me."

In light of Bright's emotional overload, and apparent exhaustion, I elected to intervene and support him in the face of misery.

He burst into tears.

As I witnessed his emotional meltdown, I softly whispered, "I'm here for you."

It appeared to be exactly what he needed, as he immediately exploded into a fit of intense sobbing.

Rather than shunning his emotionality, I chose empathy, firmly holding him in my arms and soothing him with my words.

"Bright, it's okay, it's not your fault. Your feelings are valid." I comforted him.

As he slowly calmed down, he remained cradled in my arms.
It was nearing half past eight o'clock in the morning.

"Win?" He gazed into my eyes

"Hm?" I responded promptly but cautiously, uncertain of the intention of his words.

"I'm starting like you." He blurted out, catching me off guard.

  But then he added: "I want us to be on better terms. Let's be friends?"

I looked down, then up to him again.

"Okay, let's be friends.."

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