F4 - Boss's Mistake

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Bright had left me alone with our so called daughter, Merry, which meant that I was in charge of caring for her.

Damn P'Bright.

Her energetic nature was endearing and made me smile, but I still needed to set clear boundaries for her.

I asked her to go read some books, but she refused, insisting on helping me with making dinner instead.

We chose to cook the popular Thai dish known as "Pad Thai", which was sure to be a delicious and enriching experience. As we cooked together, her curiosity and enthusiasm made the time fly by and left me feeling grateful and proud.

As we patiently awaited the noodles' completion, Merry, seized by curiosity, went to explore into her new bedroom, which was next to the entrance.

And suddenly - boom! - black-clothed men burst into our house, their faces hidden behind masks. I immediately recognized them as secret agents working for the notorious Wabi Sabi Corporation.

My heart was pumping with adrenaline as I realized the situation we were in, but I knew I had to stay calm and vigilant, for the sake of our precious daughter... No, wait..I mean.. For the sake of our mission.

"Merry!" I shouted, my voice betraying the sense of panic that was consuming me.

She had been hiding, frightened by the sudden invasion of armed agents, but I knew that I needed to get her out of here.

I was desperately fighting the agents, doling out punches and kicks to their bodies with all of my might, but I was quickly outnumbered. I knew that I didn't have a chance, so I had to think fast.

As I was considering how to get out of this impossible situation, I suddenly remembered the secret line of communication I had with P'Bright, via my watch.

I hurrily rushed into Merry's room, grabbed her hand with my right hand.

With swift I activated my secret communication watch with my left wrist.

As I heard P'Bright's voice on the other end of our secure line, I told him:

"Codename Daisy to Crow, plan 234X."

"Right." He sounded anxious, but tried to hide it.

With the room still filled with the echoes of our struggle, I took out the crossbow-like weapon from one of the incapacitated agents, its weight feeling oddly reassuring in my grasp.

Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, I ran towards the nearest window, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepared to put my plan into action.

With a quick, calculated motion, I aimed the weapon at the nearest rooftop across the street, my heart pounding in anticipation.

As the trigger was pulled, a sleek rope shot out, soaring through the air with precision.

A surge of relief washed over me as the rope found its mark, securely fastening itself to the rooftop.

With Merry in my hands, I leaped out of the window, the rush of wind whipping past us as we descended towards the awaiting rooftop.

It felt like a leap of faith, but one that I knew we had to take.

As our feet touched down on the solid surface of the rooftop, a sense of accomplishment flooded through me.

The emergency plan had worked.

But there was no time to revel in our success, as the sound of approaching rotor blades signaled P'Bright's arrival.

Sure enough, the helicopter appeared on the horizon, its sleek silhouette cutting through the air with purpose.

With a sense of relief, I watched as P'Bright gestured for us to hop aboard, his voice carrying over the din of the city.

"Hop on!" he called out, his words a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos.

With Merry by my side, I wasted no time in following his directive, eager to leave the danger behind and embrace the safety of the helicopter's cabin.

This was the worst situation Merry had definitely been.

I didn't have any other choice but to hug her tightly and keep her safe.

"Merry, I'm sorry for putting you in danger. I know you must be frightened right now, but I'm..We are here now, and we will keep you safe."

I said, trying my best to be supportive and comforting.

And after a while, Merry had fallen asleep in my lap.

"Win." P'Bright called.
"...Uh..Sorry.. For leaving you two alone."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Didn't know you know how to apologize."

"Shut your mouth.." He turned his head to other side.

"By the way, where are we going?" I questioned.

"Back to the Gmm s.r.o A56 base."


After a nerve-racking hour in a helicopter and two grueling hours in a car, we finally arrived back at the secret base of GMM, where our boss was waiting.

Merry was immediately taken care of by the servants, who made sure she was kept safe and comfortable.

Me and P'Bright were summoned to the boss's office, where we knew we finally had some things to explain.

We were also prepared for big scolding.

But things took a sudden turn, when boss said this:

"I sincerely apologize. I have made a mistake."

He bowed his head.

Boss is apologizing to us? Is this some kind of dream?

"..Why exactly are you apologizing, sir?" I asked.

"I had bought the apartment, without checking the security of it."

"Huh? I don't think I understand, sir. "
I confusingly said.

"Almost every apartment in Bangkok is secured by Wabi Sabi cooperation. I had made a mistake by buying one of the apartments. I've should have bought you a Villa instead." He cleared things out.

"Aha.. That makes sense, sir."

"Okay and what now then?" P'Bright put a question to boss.

"I will buy you a new secured Villa." Boss replies to P'Bright's question.


"Now. Both of you should get some rest. Tomorrow you will continue the mission."  Boss demanded.

"Right, sir."

And we both left the office.

"Hey, P'Bright."

He rolled his eyes.


"You should be more respectful to boss."


"Such a jerk."

"Thank you, wife."

The junior servants were staring at us.

"Fuck are you staring at?" P'Bright cursed at them. "Go do your damn job."

"Sorry, we are really sorry." They apologized and quickly left.

"That's the reason everyone is scared of you."

"As if I care."

I showed him a middle finger and went by the opposite direction.

I hate him damn much.

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