Over it!

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It's been a month since we've tied the knot. Loneliness, sadness and emptiness consumes me, this is not what I've imagined my marriage would be like. I can count on fingers the amount of times I've interacted with the man that's supposedly my husband. But today at least I get to have brunch with my tribe, catch up and get lit. I need this, I need to be surrounded by people that love me.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw my cousins waiting for me when I entered the doors of Canoe

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I couldn't help but smile when I saw my cousins waiting for me when I entered the doors of Canoe. I've missed them so much, even though I speak to them often on facetime there's nothing like embracing them.

Andi: "Well shit Mrs. Taylor has finally arrived! Girl I missed you so fucking much. You look good"

Brian: "Hey for lifer I missed yo ass"

Fatima: " Well shiiiiiid I missed you guys so much. I have sooooo much to catch you guys up on, but I'll wait till Karen gets her to dive into all that shit."

Brian: " Who do I need to fuck up for you this time, cause you know I don't play about you Ti"

Just then Karen walks in. Fatima was excited to see her sister, she missed Karen dearly. "Hey Pookie, I've missed you" Fatima said while hugging her tightly and giving her a peck on the cheek. "Hey Ti I've missed you too, not having you at home kinda sucks". The sisters sat down and they gave their orders to the waiter and waited for their food and bottomless mimosas.

Fatima: " Guys when dad said I can still turn down this marriage I should have done that cause this marriage shit is not working for me. Zac has always been my dream guy but he's really just an asshole, he doesn't acknowledge my presence, I'm stuck alone in that big ass house with the housekeeper who is actually really nice. He leaves home before I wake up and comes home after I go to sleep. We've never shared a bed like EVER. For our honeymoon he took me to Cape Town, South Africa. His cousin was basically on our honeymoon with us, Danni she's actually a cool chick though. she kept me company while he was mentally checked out. This nigga slept on the couch the entire even after I told him it's okay to share the bed with me. he didn't budge."

Andi: " Do you think there's someone else?"

Brian: "Or do you think dude is gay? Think about it, dude has never been associated with any woman in public before. Bitch either that or he has a whole other family on the side that no one knows about."

Andi: "Nigga please stop talking shit. Real talk though Ti what are you gonna do cause girl you can't spend the rest of your life waiting on this nigga to love you. Bitch you are gonna die a virgin. You saved yourself for marriage now you're married and your ass is still getting none. Right Karen? You sitting there not saying shit. You good"?

Karen: "well... just give it time sis, Zac is defiantly not gay. Just be patient this is still new and both of you need to adjust" 

Brian" No bitch, how do you know his defiantly NOT gay? Secondly why are you so quiet usually when it comes to your sister you have a lot to say? Your energy is off today."

That bottomless mimosas are hitting them hard, and Fatima is feeling courageous as fuck. "Look I'm leaving this mother fucking brunch and I'm heading down to his office. I'm having a conversation with cause I didn't say "I do" to die alone. I will fuck him up if he thinks that he can marry me and then disrespect me. Shit I want out of this mother fucking marriage today!"

Andi: "That's my girl! You walk into that building MRS TAYLOR and you stand up for yourself. Show that nigga you not some weak bitch that he can just ignore. Call me if you need me to pull up. Karen since you ain't got shit to say the bill is on you!"

With that Fatima gathered all her things and walked out of the restaurant driving straight to Zac's office building, tipsy but still classy. She walked into the building and she was greeted by the receptionist, "Good afternoon ma'am how may I help you today"? "Hi I'm Fatima Taylor, I'm here to see my husband Zachary Taylor". Yes ma'am you can use the the private elevator all the way up to the 58th floor Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Taylor's assistant will receive you when you get off the elevator". "Thank you".

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