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Zac's Pov

I made a deal with Zariah to sleep in her mom's room instead of mine because I knew that if I allowed princess to sleep in my room Micah would follow her because the two are attached at the hip basically. I also knew that Fatima's feelings would be hurt because unlike Micah, Zariah has been paying attention to everything these past few days. She knows my wife isn't giving me her usual attention and Princess does not like this one bit. So I told her I'd take her to target at least three times if she slept in her mommy's room cause mommy needs her love more right now. I miss my wife so damn much but I also know she needs to get out of this funk all by herself. Life has been lifing a bit to much and my baby is hormonal and sensitive so I'm giving her grace. I can't lie though this shit is annoying as fuck though.

While I was getting ready to meet our cousins for dinner Fatima stormed into the guest room that I'm currently sleeping in, I really can't believe she actually has the audacity to even think that i would weaponize my daughter against her. My wife is big tripping and I need her to realize that she needs to get over this shit before my patience wears out cause I will legitly take my kids and go on a single parent trip with them for a few weeks and leave her ass to wallow in her misery. I put her on her place and before she could even say anything else to justify her actions I left the room to go to dinner.

Jacobi: Yo Z-money you solo tonight?

Andi: Lemme guess Tima's ass is still tripping. She literally ignores Danni and I every time we reach out.

Danni: She wasn't wrong though, we need to watch how we speak around these kids I mean if my child had to know half the shit we do I'd be mortified.  Plus Zariah has a mouth on her and she's hella smart so that girl always knows what's popping. We need to be and do better especially since we're gonna be parents now too.

Andi: I can't promise that I will get my shit together right away but I'll definitely try.

Brian: How's things at home though. You looked stressed as fuck Zac.

Zac: You're cousin have said less than 50 words to me in the past 5 days. She's in the room all the time and only comes out to eat. She basically wants the kids in the room with her too all the damn time Micah doesn't mind but I can see it's annoying Zariah. The vibe is just not working for me right now so today I moved a few things to the guest room that I will be sleeping in so that she and the kids can have their space though.

Brian: And how did she take that?

Zac: To be honest she couldn't care less, Zariah on the other hand was super upset and she wanted to stay with me in the room. And you know I can't have Ti thinking I'm making my princess pick sides between her parents.

Danni: I get that plus Zariah is super observant so she's probably been seeing vibes between you and Ti plus this girl has only had her father in her life for the past few months of cause she's gonna pick you over her mom plus the girl is so attached to you I'm surprised she didn't join you for dinner.

Jacobi: Bro just have a talk with Ti and make sure you are both listening to one another. Plus Ti probably needs to contact a therapist too cause what she's dealing with is traumatic and she's reaching her breaking point

Dinner with the crew was definitely something I needed the food was amazing, the drinks were doing it's job and the company was currently way better than being in the shit hole I currently called home. We bidded each other good bye before all going our respective ways. When I got home I saw Ti laying in my bed. My baby's face were tear stained so I knew she was having a hard time. I also know that she's super tired because I've been noisy since entering the room and not once did this girl wake up. So I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and I crawled into bed after I did my night routine and I'm held her in my arms till I fell asleep.

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