Boo Bitch

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As we entered the house everyone excluding Karen was there to welcome her. I told these people to act normal but their asses never listen. Everything happened so fast, one minute we were entering the house the next Fatima screamed out in pain and collapsed before she could even hit the ground I caught her. I took her to our room and I told Danni to call a dear friend of mine Dr Amelia Shepard. "Baby please wake up for me, I need you. Zariah needs you even Micah needs you. Please please please I promise to be the man you deserve please just wake up" I begged and pleaded with her but nothing. Until Danni brought the doctor into the room I laid next to Fatima and just held her while I cry. I gave Dr Amelia some space to do what she needed to do, as I exited the room I saw Zariah sitting by the door of the room with her tear stained face. Immediately I picked her up while telling her "Mommy is going to be okay princess. She's just resting for a bit. Why don't you tell aunty Danni I said you and Micah can have ice-cream and then afterwards you can play in the playroom, okay". I put her down and she hopped off to the kitchen while I made my way to where the adults were sitting in the lounge. "How is she doing son?" my dad asked me. "Dad I really don't know. All I need is for my wife to be okay" I said trying to fight back my tears. "Your wife? That bitch is not your wife! Karen is your wife you don't even know where she is nor do you care for her well being." Mona lashed out. "You got one more motherfucking time to call her a bitch!" Andi shouted Danni had to restrain her from punching Mona in the face. "What has my daughter ever done for you to hate her this much?" Henry asked his wife with pain in his eyes. "You know what fuck this and fuck all of you! I don't have time for this shit." She stormed out.

Karen finally showed up at home after disappearing the day she dropped Micah of at the café. Zac was in the kitchen waiting on the kids to have breakfast. Micah and Zariah ran past Karen from the play room to kitchen and both jumped on Zac to give him kisses on the cheek. Karen stormed into the kitchen annoyed as fuck and asked "Zac whose fucking child is running up and down in my fucking house!". "Karen I'm telling this once don't you ever raise your voice and shout in front of my kids. This is my house you don't own shit! My kids can do whatever the fuck they want in my house, don't need your permission" I replied pissed as fuck. I turned my attention to my kids and told them to finish up so they could go to the office with me. Danni and Andi were staying with Fatima while I was at the office with kids. I didn't want Karen around my children and I wasn't sure if she spoke to her mom so for Fatima's safety I arranged for the girls to look after her.

Dr Amelia said that Fatima was doing okay, she just needed to rest. Her learning about her past have over exhausted her brain and that's why she's been sleeping since yesterday. I can't wait for my baby to wake up because I can see that Zariah is missing her a lot. I also didn't wane tell Zar that we're all her family without Fatima's permission.

Fatima POV

I woke up and it took me a minute to recognize the room but I did, I'm in Zac and my room then I saw Andi and Danni. "Guys where's my daughter and how can you allow him to bring me to this room? Just bring me Zariah so I can leave please." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. "Andi go get the doctor and tell her she's awake. Ti do you know where you are?" Danni asked with concern. wiping my tears from my eyes while replied to her saying "Yes D I remember everything. He cheated on me D! He cheated on me with her!". I started crying hysterically suddenly a doctor entered the room to exam me, Andi stayed while Danni left the room. "Mrs. Taylor, I am doctor Amelia Shepard I'm a neurologist and here to exam, will that be okay.". I shake my head giving her the okay "It's Ms. Fatima Wilson. I am not longer married to Zachary Taylor he has a whole new wife. No I have no brain damage all my memories came back I was in an accident 6 years ago while running away from my cheating husband at the time I didn't know I was pregnant though until I woke up 3 months later with whole baby in my belly. I went by the name Gemma Adams. I remember everything. Can you give te okay to go cause I would like to take my child and disappear!" I babbled while she was checking me out. "Everything looks good Ms. Wilson however I would still like you to rest for the next 5 day." she said before she exited the room. "Andi you can leave!" I said in an annoyed tone without protesting she left. I turned my back to the window, covered my head and I cried myself to sleep.

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