His girl

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"Whose ready to make some cookies?" I asked as Zariah and Micah gleefully jumped up and down. I handed both of them some tiny aprons to put on and we proceeded with the cookies. The two told me about their day at school in that moment all I could was watch them in admiration, I've never seen my daughter warm up to another kid this fast. They were bickering like brother and sister and I was enjoying every minute of it. Once we were done I help them clean up before they went back to Zariah's favorite spot close to the books while I got them some cookies and hot chocolate. Today was perfect the weather was gloomy there's just something about the cold wind blowing in your face that's therapeutic, even my weird interactions with those people couldn't ruin my day. My daughter is happy and therefore I'm happy. I stared at her playing with her friend losing track of time and before I knew it, it was time for Micah to leave. "Mrs. Gemma my daddy just messaged, he is outside so I'm about to leave. Thank you for having me here today" Micah said in the sweetest voice. I immediately kneeled down and gave him a hug while I said good bye to him. As I walked him to the door I see a black SUV and the driver opens the door for Micah to get into the back seat with his father. Yeah that little guy defiantly comes from a family that is well off. I gathered all my things and I ensure everything is locked and switched off before I lock up the café so that Zariah and I can walk home before it starts raining.

Just as we were a block away from the café and about 3 blocks away from our apartment it started pouring rain, suddenly the black SUV that picked up Micah stopped next to us. It was the man of my dreams  but in real life, he was in the car talking to me. "Mrs. Gemma please get in the car we can drop you at home cause it wont stop raining anytime soon and we don't want your princess to catch a cold or something" the handsome man of my dreams said. "I'm Zachary Taylor, Micah's father. Thank you for being kind to my son. He wouldn't stop raving about you and Zariah" he said with a gentle smile. "Nice meeting you, you're son is amazing. He's welcome to hangout with us any time." I said and then suddenly the stabbing headache appeared making me groan. He looked at me concerned before asking "Are you okay? Do we need to take you to the hos-". He was interrupted by His driver letting us know that we have arrived at our apartment building. Mr. Taylor and I exchanged numbers  and just as I was about to get out the driver said "Sir all the roads on our way to your home is closed due to the storm.". "Shit" Mr. Taylor groaned. "You're welcome to wait it out here if you don't mind. It's not much but at least you'll be safe" I offered. "Are you sure because I really don't wane invade your safe." He said. "Absolutely come on Micah and Zar lets go" I said. Mr. Taylor's driver lived closed by so he decided to go home and he would pick Mr. Taylor and Micah up as soon as the roads are clear.

We made our way up to my apartment I made sure that everyone was comfortable before I hopped into the shower. After that I went to the kitchen to put two frozen pizzas in the oven and I made some of my sticky wings. While I was busy in the kitchen the kids were watching Wish on Disney + and they were drinking some hot chocolate I made for them. Mr. Taylor was on his laptop responding to some emails. I decided to make some chicken nuggets for the kids when Mr. Taylor finally joined me in the kitchen. We started talking until He asked me to tell me about myself. I've never felt comfortable enough to share my story which is why I never had friends but this man, something about him makes me feel secure. Every time I look at him my head started piercing with a sharp pain making me groan. "Are you okay? Can I do anything to help you?" he asked gently all I could do is smile at him and say "I'm okay thank you though". I proceeded to tell him how I woke up in hospital pregnant not knowing who I was and that I was in a coma for 3 months. I don't know who Zariah's father is because I don't even know who I am. I kept me seeing him in a dream to myself because I didn't want him to feel weirded out. He proceeded to ask me about my headaches I told him that I usually got them when I tried to remember my past but it's been more frequent since Danni came to come pick Micah up. He just looked at me with tears in his eyes not saying anything. I took that as my cue to call the kids to dinner while plating everyone's food. After dinner I bathed the kids and got them ready for bed. All four of us ended up falling asleep in the lounge under a fort that Zachary help the kids built.

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