You don't know my name

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Fatima and Zac has been joined by the hip since their family dinner, usually they would never interact with one another at work but Fatima has moved into Zac's office and has been working from his desk, Zac loves it though cause he hates being away from her for more than an hour, he has fallen inlove with her without even trying to. She was the perfect half he didn't know he needed. During a family vacation their family teased them about being joined by the lips because they were always making out. Zac was gonna love on his wife he didn't care where they were. Danni and Andi on the other end always kept their eye on Karen watching how she reacts to Zatima being in love with one another. Karen's jealousy has become very evident and Fatima decided to not address it because she was enjoying the bubble she and her man was in. Danni and Andi being more confrontational decided to host a girl's day and invited Karen that way they could confront her Since Fatima didn't wane do it.

Girl's day

Fatima: "You know I could've been spending some quality time with my man right now. I already miss him. Why didn't y'all just come hang out at my house? We could've chilled there."

Danni: "Uuhmm. No ma'am cause you're always with Zac plus if we were at you place you'll just let Andi and I hang out while you are all cuddled up with Zac. You've already canceled two brunches and the other three you just didn't care to pitch up to. So we're putting our foot down and we're saying NO ZAC today"

Andi: "Yeah and while Danni is mom-ing your ass, D why don't you take her phone too cause you know she finna be on it with Zac whole day."

Fatima: "Nooooooo.... I'm a grown ass woman, I need my phone in case of emergencies. Awwwwww, look what my baby sent me. He's so cute" making a puppy face

Andi: "Seriously Ti just give your phone to Danni, if Zac needs you and it's urgent he can call one of us, but we trying to spend time with you cause it's been a while."

Danni: "Plus it's just for today, you'll see him tonight and y'all can lock yourselves away in whatever land you two live."

Fatima: "Fine I'll give my phone to Danni but lemme just message him saying I won't have it."

While drinking champagne and catching up with one another Karen walks in with her usual stank attitude, she greeted them dryly. The girls however went on with their conversation after acknowledging her presence after some time Fatima decided to speak to Karen.

Fatima: "Karen, It's been forever since we've hanged out I didn't know you were coming. How are you?"

Karen: "Ahhh, I see I'm Karen now what happened to pookie?"

Fatima: "I don't know Karen what happened to pookie? Cause you just started acting brand new."

Karen: "I see you let your hound dogs invite me to a spa day just so you can bitch me out."

Andi: "Did this motherfucking bitch just call me a fucking hound dog."

Danni had to pull Andi back cause she was ready to charge at Karen. As much as Danni wanted to kick Karen's ass she knew Fatima needed to call Karen out on her shit.

Fatima: "Firstly you need to apologize to them right now cause even though Andi doesn't like your ass she's always included you because you're my sister and I love you. Secondly I didn't know you were coming, a call every now and then would be appreciated. I've called you and left you messages but nothing, I know you avoiding me cause dad said you ain't doing shit. So once and for all stop being a bitter bitch and tell me exactly what your problem is."

Karen: "All hail thee perfect fucking Fatima, you what my problem is? You're my problem! You think you're so perfect, you think you above everyone else. I'm so sick of people comparing me to you! I hate being related to you! If only everyone could see how pathetic you truly are Mrs. perfect Fatima Marie Wilson-Taylor. Why can't you be nice and kind hearted like your sister? You know your sister is saving herself for marriage maybe you should take page from her book cause by the time you're ready to get married you will be runned through. I'm tired of you getting whatever you want and not leaving shit for the rest of us. I'm tired of watching dad move mountains for his princess, cause whatever she wants she get. Only the best for the Taylor men huh? What makes you the fucking best you motherless fucking bitch! You just couldn't say no to marrying Zac, could you? No Fatima needs to have the most eligible bachelor in Atlanta. Fatima needs to have the handsomest guy of us all, Fatima needs to be well taken care of for the rest of her fucking life! You make me sick I fucking hate you! I wish you were dead like your fucking mother you damn bitch!

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