This love

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It's been about three weeks since they've gotten rid of Mona and Karen. Life has been going amazingly, Fatima returned back to Taylor Home Enterprise  as interior designer but only part-time. She couldn't stay away from Zac even if she tried to and even if he tends to get on her last nerve. Zac has been over protective especially with Fatima being pregnant. When she moves he moves, his been on her ass like a pimple, he knows it annoys the shit out of her but he wants to make sure that he tends to her every need during this pregnancy especially since he wasn't there for her first pregnancy. Zariah and Micah are doing amazing, they bicker and fight in true brother and sister fashion. The Taylor house finally feels whole and complete well almost, they can't wait till Fatima gives birth to little pea. Zac started calling the baby little pea and I guess it just stuck.

Today has been an ordinary Tuesday Fatima dropped the kids off at school, went to the café for about 30 minutes then decided to  go to Target before heading home. The plan was to just stock up on some snacks for the pantry and some fruits and veggies, somehow she ended up in the baby aisle and she just couldn't help herself. She was startled when she heard someone calling her name, it was Sabrina an old friend of her, Andi and Karen. "Hey Brina, its been forever" Fatima said giving her a church hug. "Hey Ti how are you? When I heard you were alive I was extremely stunned. I'm sorry you had to go through all that shit. I bet Andi is doing amazing now that she has you back, Karen told me she lost her shit when you passed away. Speaking of Karen I haven't seen here in weeks I'm actually super worried. You probably don't even care what she's up to cause she honestly did some fucked up shit. I'm so sorry by the way I should've warned you all those years ago." Sabrina babbled. Fatima looked at her like bitch what the fuck and just replied "So you knew what Karen had planned and not once did you feel the need to tell me? Like what the actual fuck Sabrina? Some friend you were". "I'm sorry Ti, I honestly didn't think she would actually do that shit. I'm so sorry I really am. I'm also genuinely worried about her, when I saw her a few weeks ago before she disappeared she seemed on edge. She was ranting on and on about Micah. Is he okay?". "I haven't seen her or heard from here. What was she saying about Micah?" Fatima asked in a calm voice trying to fish for as much information as she could get. "She said she was planning to kidnap Micah so that she could give him to his father Aaron, she didn't want her child close to you. However Micah wasn't in school after she went to give him and your daughter those candy and roses. She did that shit to send you a message. She also just tried to poison your kid. I told her that shit is sick as fuck but Karen's mind was set on destroying you. I'm sorry Ti she really hated you and I'm sorry for even entertaining her shit". "You know you're just as fucked up as she was! Get the fuck out my face Sabrina and I dare you to come close to my son or daughter I will fuck you up" Fatima replied ragefully. Sabrina left feeling stupid as hell and somehow she knew she fucked up. Fatima took out her phone and messaged the group **There's a item I want, someone needs to pick up the package though.** she put her phone away and went to go pay for her goods. Fatima was highly annoyed so she decided to just drop everything at home, have Ms. Evelyn put it away so that she can go find some comfort in her man.

Taylor Home Enterprise

As soon as Fatima walked into Zac's office he started singing Usher's there goes my baby making Fatima giggle, she loved everything about this man it's crazy how he puts a smile on her face without even trying. She walked into his arms and sinked into his chest Zac  just allowed her to be until she was ready to tell him what has her in a mood. "Babe I was doing good until I ran into an old friend in Target and she asked about Karen the bitch knew what Karen had planned all those years ago and not once did she think about warning me. Then she rants on and on about Karen poisoning Zariah and Micah and how Karen was planning on kidnapping Micah but she couldn't get him cause we decided to home school the kids until we got rid of her ass. Babe she wanted to take my baby and give him to some guy called Aaron. Apparently that his father's name but you'll always be his real father babe, no one can take our baby boy from us. We need to get rid of Sabrina babe I know that bitch is gonna cause some sort of shit". "You're package will be delivered tonight, Ti baby I got you." he kissed her tenderly. "Thank you baby, I love you and appreciate you so much. Thank you for catering to my every need and the kids every need. I have to go get the kids but I promise to give daddy some extra loving tonight. Don't work to hard I love you." Fatima said giving Zac a few more kisses before getting up so that she could drive to get the kids from school. "Love you to baby, drive safely." Zac called out before she walked out of his office door.

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