Family Affair

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Fatima's POV 

The flight to Havana went better than expected. This morning I woke up mentally prepared to pop off on Andi's ass if she had any shit to say on the flight but to my surprise she was all cuddled up with my kids for most of the flight. Honestly all my bitch energy disappeared when I saw how excited my kid's truly were to see their Tt, I was ready to let all my new rules go out the window but your girl stayed strong cause I know I have to prove a point. This is our first Family vacation so I'm extremely excited to have some fun in the sun, spend some time with my family and have some amazing love making sessions with my man. 

"Y'all ready to start this fam vacay" Zac said hyping up everyone. Zariah and Micah were trying to mimic Zac's Zac attack dance while Danni were hyping them up making the rest of us laugh. "So guys Zac got us a chef to cook dinner for us this evening, since it's 6:30 pm lets get settled and be back down here at 8:30 pm again. Baby boy and Zar let's get you cleaned up you're dinner is ready so we can get you two in bed." Fatima said to everyone before she and Zac disappeared to get the kid's settled for the evening. After the kids ate dinner Zac and Ti got them ready for bed once the kids were all settled and in bed Zac and Ti went to their room. "So how do you feel about the trip this far?" Zac asked while pulling Fatima closer to him. "Honestly I'm feeling optimistic, I think this might be exactly what we all need. Also I loved how happy the kids were to see Andi babe I swear need us to get to a better place so that she can be there for our kids and so that I can be an aunty to her baby. Also honestly I just miss having my best friend around me." I told him. "Ouch I thought I was your best friend." he teased me. "Yeah sure you are, can my best friend and I hop into the shower so that we're not late for dinner? Maybe later my best friend can do that thing I love so much." I said winking at him while stripping and heading into the bathroom to get into the shower.


Brian: So we're here for 8 days what's on our agenda?

Jacobi: I'm ready check out the old Cuban cigar factory and smoke a couple of cigars.

Andi: You better not come around me smelling like no cigars though.

Jacobi: I hear you 

Zac: Actually I don't have anything planned for tomorrow I wanted the ladies to rest up. I know the flying must've taken a toll on your bodies so we're taking the day easy.

Fatima: How about you men go check out the cigar factory while the kids and us relax here tomorrow. We can go out for dinner though. That way Andi and Danni can relax and rest up and I'll watch the kids. You can enjoy your time with the boys my love.

Andi: Danni and I will help you with the kids Ti, we can relax by the pool while you boys have fun.

Zac: You mean men. Everyone  cool with that? Babe?

Fatima: Relaxing by the pool with the girls and kids sounds like a plan. 

Brian: Now that that is settled. Andi and Ti you good? Cause I would hate to come back tomorrow evening and find a body.

Danni: Seriously B! I swear you and Andi need to learn to read the room.

Brian: No we were taught to not sweep shit under the rug. Seriously though are you guys good cause I hate that you guys are beefing.

Andi: We're good B. I'll be on my best behavior and I will follow Fatima's lead if she needs me she'll let me know. 

Zac: On that note here's to making memories, rebuilding relationships and having quality time with the ones we love.

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