Then there was three

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A week Later

"Oh fuck daddy" Fatima moaned as Zac was licking her clit. "Zac baby I'm about to come please I can't take it no more" Zac inserted his middle and index finger into her while eating her out at the same time. She squirted almost drowning him the fuck out. He moved to kiss her mouth while tracing her pussy with his tip before inserting it into her wetness. "Fuck baby deeper" she moaned. Fatima was screaming in ecstasy while he was pounding hard claiming her pussy over and over. The two fucked until they could no longer when they were finished Fatima immediately fell asleep. Zac got up to get a warm cloth to clean his wifey up before falling asleep next to her. For the past week the two were going at it like rabbits, after walking in on them multiple times Andi and Danni begged them to keep it to the bedroom. However Zac didn't give a fuck he wanted to claim his pussy on every surface of the house and Fatima had no objections. 

Even though Fatima was back living her old life she still loved the café so she decided to appoint a new manager but she still goes in most mornings to ensure that the morning rush runs smoothly. Today like every other morning she woke up hopped in the shower with her man, they did their morning routines and then went downstairs to have breakfast as a family before Zac leaves for work and she drops the kids off at school before heading to the café. She spends the morning baking her famous brownies and tried out some new recipes before heading out to go pick up the kids from school. As she was strapping Micah and Zariah into their booster seats she saw that they had a packet of sweets and a white rose each. 

Fatima: "Hey babies where did you get the sweets and the rose?" she was genuinely concerned.

Micah: "Momma Ti, my mommy gave it to us."

Fatima: "Your what?"

Zariah: "Mommy can you open the sweets for me please. His mommy gave it to us."

Fatima: "No y'all are not eating that shit hand it over. You guys can have whatever sweets want at home, I'll even take you to Target to get two toys. But you ain't eating that shit okay"

She had them at Target so without any complaints they handed it over to her. She made her way to target cause she knew if she broke her promise she wouldn't hear the end of it from Zariah. Before they got out she took a minute to text the group chat "911 Zac's home office tonight at 7". The three made their way into Target and they came out with more than the two toys they she told them they could get. Fatima could never say no to her babies, they are so spoiled. "Mama Ti I really like that you live with us now. I like having you as my new mommy. My old mommy wasn't very nice to me." Micah said to Fatima.  "I know baby and I promise to always give you the love you deserve baby boy" Fatima said as she strapped him into his booster, after making sure they all were secure she made her way home. She got home the same time Zac did, he has been coming home earlier than usual so that he could spend some time with his family. She and Zac wanted to to ensure that this transition and new family life was not affecting the kids in any negative way. Fatima was so happy to see her man she pulled him into a deep long hard kiss completely forgetting that the kids were there.

Zariah: "You promised us candy. We're home can you stop kissing my daddy and get us our candy mommy."

Fatima: "Zac you better get your princess before I do."

Zariah: "I didn't do anything wrong mommy. You did promise us some candy when you took the candy Micah's mom gave us."

Micah: "Daddy I saw mommy at school today, she gave Zar and I some candy and  some pretty flowers. She wasn't mean to me either"

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