Where my girls at?

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Chilling at the poolside with the girls while watching her babies enjoying the sun and water felt like heaven. The mocktails kept flowing, the food was amazing and the company even better. After being super focused on her man and kids this time with the girls was exactly what Fatima needed and she loved every minute of it. 

Andi: So what's y'alls views on being submissive?

Danni: Being submissive is overrated I love being in a relationship where we are equal partners. I don't have to be bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen, I do my own thing and B does his own thing however we respect one another enough not to allow bullshit to sabotage our relationship. 

Fatima: Now Danni being submissive doesn't necessarily mean you're a wife in the 50's. Being submissive to me is allowing my man to lead our family, that doesn't mean that he doesn't include me in the decision making cause this isn't a dictatorship, it means he is the protector of our household, I entrust Zac to provide for us, to cover us in prayer, to love us and to create a safe environment where our family can thrive and be happy. In our castle he is the king many would think that makes me weak but I love watching my man lead us as a family knowing  he has our best interest at heart. I fall inlove with him daily because I see the way he wake up daily and takes care of his family without complaining. He ensures I have everything I need and I'm looked after emotionally and physically and he makes sure I'm always pleased sexually. he prays over me while I'm asleep. He prays over our kids, he makes sure they lack nothing and that they are always good and happy. As a wife I make sure that I am my husband's safe place though, he knows he can be vulnerable with me, he knows that if life gets too much for him that I'm there to listen to him and hear him out. This queen always has her king's back come hell or high water. Look if a man treats you good and loves you the right way we as women will unknowingly become submissive to our men, is apart of our DNA

Danni: well shit if you put it that way,  might just change my views. How about you Andi? What made you ask this question?

Andi: So Jacobi and I had a little disagreement and he said that I never allow him to lead or wear the pants in this relationship. I'm forever stripping him of his balls and his getting tired of it.

Fatima: Damn, that's not good Andi. 

Danni: I can see why he would feel that way though. You've always been doing your own shit without even considering his feels. You make decisions without asking him for his take on things and when he tries to raise his opinion you blow his head off. Honestly I'm surprised you even made it this far and now throwing a baby in the mix hectic, he want's his kid to grow up saying that my dad was the man of the house. And you know our men is probably comparing us to Mrs. Taylor over here, B is forever on my ass about PDA and being more affectionate. I love on my man in private besides I find PDA extremely cringey. 

Fatima: I smell hater (laughing at Danni) Listen Andi I know you grew up surrounded by strong women who never allowed men to walk over them. Your mom and Madam taught us how to look after ourselves but girl there's nothing wrong with allowing your man to take care of you. There's nothing wrong with you being all soft, it's exhausting having to have a wall up all the time because you don't want someone to truly infiltrate your being or you don't want anyone to see you vulnerable. Allow that man to love you the right way because he is clearly not going anywhere and you are clearly not getting off him anytime soon. 

Andi: Okay I hear you, I'll try my best to let that man take care of me.

Fatima: Promise?

Andi: I promise.

Danni: #softgirlera

Andi: Not you with this soft girl era shit

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