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"Hey gorgeous" Zac greeted me as soon as I walked into the house as though he could sense my mood he pulled me into his embrace and held me tightly. "Who do I need to fuck up?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes. I took a deep breath and let it out "So there's this guy that used to be super obsessed with me when I was in high school, his ass even stalked me for a bit but stopped when I got married to you but only because aunt Eva took care of his ass which is why he is still alive. Cause if Madam would have killed his ass onsite." I said to him he looked into my eyes telling me continue. "Well he works at the firm, Daddy says that he's good and he brings loads of business plus if he leaves he'll definitely take all his clients with him. I bumped into him after my meeting with daddy cause he had lunch waiting for me in Andi's office. This mother fucker had the audacity to say that I know that my kids were suppose to be him. Zac honey they way he was looking at me made me feel like I was a piece of meat." I said wiping the hair out of my face. "Ti babe do I need to have this mother fucker taken care of?" Zac asked looking at me like he was ready for fuck up Hayden, I just shook my head indicating no because I really just wanted to see how all this were about to play out plus killing Hayden would be bad for business right now so we'll have to be more strategic when it comes to getting rid of him.

First day back:

I woke up to my husband serving me breakfast in bed and the kids each with cards and flowers wishing me luck on my first day back at work. I was nervous, scared and excited all at once. I didn't wane be faced with questions on where I was for these past few years, besides our insta post we never really spoke about my amnesia journey or how I got back to my family. We've been approached by many magazine publications and talk shows but I really just didn't want anyone in my business. I was also nervous because I saw a whole bunch of new faces at the firm, also the firm has expanded since the last time I practiced law so I don't think I was ready to be over analyzed by new people or be known as the girl who doesn't deserve to be there. I felt scared because what if I actually suck at this whole law thing. I know I was a kick as lawyer before I got married to Zac but I've also changed so much in these past few years. The pressure to fill my past shoes weighed heavily on me. 

Zac and I walked into the firm and of course my dad, Andi and aunt Eve were waiting for me at the entrance. "First day back baby!" Andi shouted as soon as she saw my face, honestly no one was more excited to have me back at the office than Andi. I greeted my family and and we made our way to the boardroom where daddy had breakfast set up for us. And yes my pregnant ass ate a second breakfast along with Andi who apparently had her fourth plate of breakfast already making aunt Eva scowl at Andi's fat ass. After breakfast Zac walked me into my office hand in hand, I honestly couldn't help but smile like a crazy person. The women were drooling over my fine ass husband. Once I got to my office we entered and Zac locked the door and drew the blinds, I already knew what he was up too and I sure as hell was not gonna complain.

An hour later Zac and I emerged from my office, I was on my way to Andi's office and he was about to leave. I know I'm at work and I'm supposed to be professional but shit I couldn't leave my man without him invading my mouth so we had a little make out session completely forgetting we're at my work place. "Okay lovebirds this is a place of work" my dad said as he passed us making both Zac and I laugh in embarrassment. "Laters baby I love you" He said pecking my lips again. "Love you too handsome" I said with a big smile on my face. Zac left and I made my way to Andi's office where I found her and aunt Eve chatting it up.

Eva: Nasty ass

Fatima: What I do?

Eva: You know what you did. Anyway it's good having you back here. Fatima sweetheart I'm happy you're back I truly am. I used to come sit in that office whenever I missed you and your mom so having you right here in front of us is a dream come true. Losing your mom hurt Madam and I to the core but when we lost you we felt like we failed your mom and then I had to watch Andi go through the pain of losing you and she wasn't herself for a while. It felt like just when you finally found your happiness and truly fell inlove life was snatched away from you. When Andi told me that you were alive the first place I came was to your office I think I probably spent an entire day speaking to your mom. Then I saw you and I saw how much you've matured and grown, I had to keep my shit together cause you were your mom's twin shit you as crazy as her ass is too. Then we met your baby girl my heart melted man I wished my sister was here to see you and your baby girl. she would have been so proud of you.

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