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I look at myself in the full length mirror smiling cause today I not only get to make my family extremely happy but I get to marry the man of my dreams. The white dress I'm wearing is hugging my body in all the right places, generally I'm beautiful but nature but my God today I'm at a loss for words. "I wish my mom was here to share this day with me" I whispered with tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. Just then my father walks through the door hugs me tightly saying "Baby girl it's time, you look absolutely beautiful. This is your last chance to change your mind". 

See today I get to marry the guy who I've been inlove with since we were kids Mr Zachary Taylor, our marriage is basically just some sort of business contact between our fathers. I'll do anything to keep my family happy even if that means me living in my own misery, however this right here is something I've dreamt of forever. So I'm super excited to take this leap with my McDreamy.

My father frowns and hugs me one last time before we walk down the aisle. "You know you will always be my little princess, I'm always one call away never forget that" he says. "Daddy lay off the emotions for a bit, she needs to walk down the aisle and you'll make her mascara run if she cries" Karen my sister whines.

Nick Lachey's This I swear starts playing and my dad and I make our way to down the aisle. I lay my eyes on him and damn I can't believe this fine specimen is gonna be my husband. His eyes meets mine and it widens. not breaking any eye contact, he is all I'm focused on.

Our wedding was a whole vibe, we danced, we drank, the food was amazing and we were surrounded by the people we love. In the midst of this amazing evening I couldn't help but notice the my Husband is rather distant, we barely spoke, he looked semi annoyed with everything and he was trying his hardest to fake.

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