Tell the truth, I look better under you...

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Four weeks later

"Andi before we go on this trip I'm gonna need you to speak to Fatima because I might as well stay at home if my vacation is gonna be a war zone. I don't need be in an awkward uncomfortable environment all because your stubborn ass doesn't have any sense. This damn baby is already making me uncomfortable as fuck. I don't need to deal with your shit too" Danni said to Andi while they were busy doing some last minute shopping for their family vacation to Cuba. "Danni your lectures are starting to become annoying" Andi replied she was over Danni constantly telling her that she's being insensitive and irrational when it comes to Fatima. "And yet you never listen, look make peace for the sake of the kids, you haven't seen them in four weeks and I'm sick of telling them that you're working out of town. Make things right Andi, this time you were in the wrong she asked for something simple and you decided to make everything about you and your feelings. I'm not saying your feelings are irrelevant all I'm saying is have some empathy if you were in her shoes she would've respected your wishes. There's only so much of this shit we can blame on pregnancy hormones. just because you're pregnant doesn't give you the right to say whatever you feel is right and disregard the next person's frame of mind. I'm not trying to lecture you, I'm trying to make you see that soon we're all be dropping babies and it would suck if we can't be there for one another and support one another because of something that was blown out of proportion. If you love Fatima like you say you do then it's time for your actions to speak louder than words." Danni said to Andi honestly she was over all of this shit, Andi's attitude and lack of empathy was really just pissing her off cause it was affecting not only the three of them but the entire family. "She might not even wane talk to me." Andi replied to Danni while releasing a heavy sigh. "Take the first step and reach out. Try to understand where she's coming from and her state of mind. We will never really understand what she has to go through and how this adjustment is really affecting her. So instead of overreacting hear her out. Listen to her. She doesn't need us saving her at every corner, she's tired of us all making her feel like she's some sort of broken glass. Everything Fatima says doesn't need a reaction sometimes all she needs from you is to listen and hear her out. This is the last time I'm speaking about this Andi, work this shit out." Danni said. "I hear you lemme call her and see if she's willing to meet up with me. You wane join?" Andi asked Danni while taking out her phone to call Fatima. "No y'all need to be alone for this talk."

Fatima: Andi is everything okay?

Andi: Hey Ti, everything is okay no need to panic

Fatima: I haven't heard from you in weeks and then you call me out of the blue so I assumed something must be wrong. If everything is okay then why exactly are you calling?

Andi: I was wondering if we could grab lunch and talk.

Fatima: Look Andi if you are gonna come at me with some bullshit then I'm honestly not in the mood for it. I don't need my cousin/best friend to make me feel like shit and wallow in my feelings for days. My kids need their mom to be in a positive head space so if speaking to you is gonna fuck that up then I'll pass.

Andi: Please Ti, look I miss you and these past four weeks has sucked so badly. I'm begging lunch please.

Fatima: Fine you're paying and the first sign of bullshit I'm out of there Andi I promise you. Send me the details.

Andi: Thanks Ti how about 13:30 I'll send you the rest of the details.

Fatima: Sure, bye

"See that wasn't so bad, lets finish up so you can head to your lunch date with Ti. And Andi..." "I know I know I'll fix it."


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